This repository adds TWAI/CAN(USER_C_MODULES) support to MicroPython for the ESP32 family. Use user_module, that draft probe. But works.
import esp
import uasyncio as asyncio
import CAN
dev = CAN(0, extframe=False, tx=4, rx=5, mode=CAN.NORMAL, baudrate=500000, auto_restart=False)
from scrivo import logging
log = logging.getLogger("CAN")
# - identifier of can packet (int)
# - extended packet (bool)
# - rtr packet (bool)
# - data frame (0..8 bytes)
async def run():
i = 0
while True:
# log.debug("-")
if dev.any():
data = dev.recv()
log.debug(f"id:{hex(data[0])}, ex:{data[1]}, rtr:{data[2]}, data:{data[3]}")
await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
# i += 1
# if i == 10:
# log.debug("send ACK")
# dev.send([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], 0x305)
# i = 0
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
Grab data from BMS <-> Inverter
DEBUG:CAN:id:0x35e, ex:False, rtr:False, data:b'PYLON '
DEBUG:CAN:id:0x359, ex:False, rtr:False, data:b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00'
DEBUG:CAN:id:0x351, ex:False, rtr:False, data:b'(\x02\xe8\x03\xdc\x05\xe0\x01'
DEBUG:CAN:id:0x355, ex:False, rtr:False, data:b'a\x00d\x00'
DEBUG:CAN:id:0x356, ex:False, rtr:False, data:b'x\x14\xfd\xff\xa0\x00'
DEBUG:CAN:id:0x35c, ex:False, rtr:False, data:b'\xc0\x00'
DEBUG:CAN:id:0x70, ex:False, rtr:False, data:b'\xa0\x00\x96\x00G\x01G\x01'
DEBUG:CAN:id:0x371, ex:False, rtr:False, data:b'\x01\x00\x02\x00\x0f\x00\x06\x00'
DEBUG:CAN:id:0x35e, ex:False, rtr:False, data:b'PYLON '
DEBUG:CAN:id:0x359, ex:False, rtr:False, data:b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00'
DEBUG:CAN:id:0x351, ex:False, rtr:False, data:b'(\x02\xe8\x03\xdc\x05\xe0\x01
convert from b'(\x02\xf4\x01\xe8\x03\xe0\x01' to human readable.
get bytes description from:
Byte 0 - Byte 1, Battery charge voltage, Unit: 0.1V, 16 bits unsigned int
Byte 2 - Byte 3, Charge current limit, Unit: 0.1A, 16 bits signed int, 2`s complement
Byte 4 - Byte 5, Discharge current limit, Unit: 0.1A, 16 bits signed int, 2`s complement
Byte 6 - Byte 7, None
# data = b'(\x02\xf4\x01\xe8\x03\xe0\x01'
# #convert to int cut first 2 bytes
# data = int.from_bytes(data[2:], 'little', signed=False)
Read this section if you want to include the ESP32 TWAI/CAN support to MicroPython from scratch. To do that follow these steps:
- Note: The steps below now also work for MicroPython "esp32 with PSRAM", "1.23" or "dirty main versio" , ESP-IDF v5.3.1
- Target: esp32, esp32c3, esp32s3, esp32s2
Clone the MicroPython repository:
git clone --recursive
git clone Copy the files and folders inside the root folder where
.Add to board - mpconfigboard.h #define MODULE_CAN_ENABLED (1)
export CFLAGS="-DMODULE_CAN_ENABLED" for any board
Compile the firmware by typing following commands:
cd micropython/ports/esp32
export CFLAGS="-DMODULE_CAN_ENABLED" make USER_C_MODULES=../../../../cmodules/micropython-esp32-twai/src/micropython.cmake BOARD=ESP32_GENERIC all make USER_C_MODULES=../../../../cmodules/micropython-esp32-twai/src/micropython.cmake BOARD=ESP32_GENERIC_C3 all make USER_C_MODULES=../../../../cmodules/micropython-esp32-twai/src/micropython.cmake BOARD=ESP32_GENERIC_S3 all -D MICROPY_BOARD=STRAGA_CORE_SPIRAM -B build-STRAGA_CORE_SPIRAM -p /dev/tty.wchusbserial112330 flash
- You can Use absolute path to the
file if some troubles. - Note that the folder
should be in the "cmodules" folder level as themicropython
. Otherwise, you'll need to change the path (../../../../cmodules/micropython-esp32-twai/src
) to themicropython.cmake