An Elixir package for managing checks, schedules, contacts, etc. on your NodePing account.
The package can be installed by adding nodeping
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:nodeping, "~> 1.7"}
If you want to use this package with Elixir version 1.9, instead set your dep to {:nodeping, "~> 1.1"}
And run mix deps.get
You will need to create an account at NodePing and fetch your API token under Account Settings → API
This will be your API token
that you provide to authenticate with the service and manage things such as checks.
If you want to manage SubAccounts
, you can get the ID for that subaccount under Account Settings → SubAccounts
and the ID is next to the name.
This document does not contain all the capabilities provided by this package.
Get checks on your NodePing account via the NodePing.Checks.get_checks
token = System.fetch_env!("TOKEN")
{:ok, result} = NodePing.Checks.get_checks(token)
You can also get checks that meet certain conditions such as:
passing -
failing -
disabled -
last result -
There are functions in the NodePing.Checks
module called find_by_id
and find_by_state
accepts a result from NodePing.Checks.get_checks
and lets you search by ID in the result or for
passing/failing checks. Each time you use these functions, they do not make a call to the API.
Create checks on your NodePing account via NodePing.Checks.create_check
In this example a PING check is created and pointed at
token = System.fetch_env!("TOKEN")
checktype = NodePing.Checktypes.Ping
target = ""
args = %{label: "my label", target: target, interval: 1, enabled: true}
{:ok, result} = NodePing.Checks.create_check(token, checktype, args)
Creating contacts are done with the NodePing.Contacts
module. You can find the structure of a
contact defined in the NodePing.Contacts.Contact
How to create a contact with both an email and sms address:
token = System.fetch_env!("TOKEN")
name = testcontact
addresses = [
%{address: "1234567890", type: "sms", name: "cellphone"},
%{address: "", type: "email", name: "workemail"}
role = "owner"
args = %{name: name, newaddresses: addresses, custrole: role}
{:ok, result} = NodePing.Contacts.create_contact(token, args)
Updating a contact requires having all the information of the existing conact. If a contact has contact methods "A", "B", and "C" and you only provide "A", and "B", then you won’t have contact method "C" anymore. This means it’s probably best to get existing contact information to modify it. The below example gets contacts containing email addresses "" and replacing them with ""
token = System.fetch_env!("TOKEN")
contact_id = "201205050153W2Q4C-BKPGH"
old_email = ""
new_email = ""
{:ok, contact} = NodePing.Contacts.get_by_id(token, contact_id)
{id, opts}
Map.get(contact, "addresses")
|> Enum.find(fn {_, val} -> val["address"] == old_email end)
new_opts =
|> Map.replace("address", new_email)
|> Map.drop(["_id", "customer_id", "sdomain", "type"])
{_, new_contact} = get_and_update_in(contact, ["addresses", id, "address"], &{&1, ""})
updated_addresses = Map.get(new_contact, "addresses")
{:ok, updated} = NodePing.Contacts.update_contact(token, contact_id, %{addresses: updated_addresses})
Muting a contact is going to be almost identical to the Update a Contact section, except instead of
replacing a value, we are going to have to update the map. It’s possible the mute
key might not exist
in the contact, so using Map.update/4
is going to be necessary to set a default value in case the
key does not exist. Muting a contact is usually done with a timestamp of when you want the muting to STOP
with a millisecond Unix timestamp
token = System.fetch_env!("TOKEN")
parent_contact_id = "201205050153W2Q4C-BKPGH"
contact_id = "IRAB6O5W"
{:ok, contact} = NodePing.Contacts.get_by_id(token, parent_contact_id)
five_min_later =
|> DateTime.add(300, :second)
|> DateTime.to_unix(:millisecond)
muted =
|> get_in(["addresses", contact_id])
|> Map.update("mute", five_min_later, fn _x -> five_min_later end)
new_addresses =
|> Map.get("addresses")
|> Map.replace(contact_id, muted)
{:ok, updated} = NodePing.Contacts.update_contact(token, parent_contact_id, %{addresses: new_addresses})