Welcome to the StreamBlocks Platforms repository. This repository contains the code generators for the StreamBlocks dataflow compiler. If you are using StreamBlocks for the first time, this is the readme you need to follow to get a sense of the overall workflow and the different tools used within StreamBlocks.
StreamBlocks compiler provides a unified compilation framework for CPU-FPGA platforms. The figure below shows the compiler flow in full.
StreamBlock transpiles dataflow programs written in CAL to C++ for multicore + FPGA platforms. Tycho is the frontend that takes CAL and produces and internal representation called the Actor Machine IR. Tycho's code is found in the streamblocks-tycho repositry.
The two hardware and software backends generate heterogeneous C++ code for execution. The code generators along with the runtime are part of the streamblocks-platform repository (i.e., this one!).
The partitioning tool is yet another repository, not surprisingly called streamblocks-partitioning.
The first two repositories are essential for code generation and execution. The last one is for design space exploration. streamblocks-partitioning uses profiling information obtained from either simulation or real execution to suggest pseudo-optimal hardware-software partitions.
This readme only walk you through setting up the first two repositories. A tutorial on setting up the partitioning is found in the corresponding streamblocks-partitioning repository. There is a 4th streamblocks-examples repository with a good number CAL programs.
The rest of this guide is organized as follows:
- The compiler basics
- Basic setup and dependencies
- Compiling a simple example
The StreamBlocks dataflow compiler offers code-generation for multicore generic platforms and FPGAs through High-level synthesis. This repository contains the backends of the StreamBlocks-tycho dataflow frontend compiler.
To use the StreamBlocks platforms first you need to compile and install StreamBlocks-Tycho compiler streamblocks-tycho. We will go through installation in the next step.
The Tycho frontend does not get too far, it can generate some basic C code that is then compiled down to single-thread binaries for software execution but we never use that. Rather, we use Tycho's internal representation of an Actor network to generate heterogeneous C++ code.
This is where the current repository comes into play. Since we are targeting heterogeneous execution, we need to generate code for both software and hardware execution. We do this through platforms or basically different code generators or backends. You can find a brief description of each platform below:
Platform | Description |
platform-generic-c/ | Generic monocore C code generation (deprecated, found in tycho) |
platform-multicore/ | Code generation for multi-threaded software execution |
platform-vivadohls/ | Code generation for Xilinx FPGAs by using Vivado HLS, SDAccel & Vitis |
platform-node/ | Code generation for multicore and multi-node execution, incomplete and experimental |
platform-orcc/ | Unused code software code generator based on the Orcc compiler |
platform-core/ | Basic utilities used by all the other platforms, does not really generate code |
We basically just need to understand what platform-vivadohls
do. Each take a (part of) dataflow program and generate HLS
or software C++ respectively. They could while platform-multicore
can be used
completely independently but platform-vivadohls
is not standalone. This is
because any HLS code needs some software code that feeds it data and intercepts
its output.
StreamBlocks platforms are written with Java 8, you will need a compatible Java SE Development Kit 8 (or later), Apache Maven and Git.
The generated C multithreaded source code of StreamBlocks has the following dependencies: CMake, libxml2 and (optionaly) libsdl2.
The generated C++ for Vivado HLS source code of StreamBlocks, needs the Xilinx Vivado Design Suite. You also need xilinx run time or
installed with the FPGA platforms you want to use.
Once you have all the dependencies set up. Create a directory called streamblocks
somewhere in your system and go to that directory.
> mkdir streamblocks
> cd streamblocks
Clone streamblocks-tycho
and install it using maven (this will install some jar files somewhere in your
home directory which is picked up by streamblocks-platforms
> git clone https://github.com/streamblocks/streamblocks-tycho
> cd streamblocks-tycho && mvn install -DskipTests && cd ..
Maven should succeed, then clone this repository and install it using maven.
> git clone https://github.com/streamblocks/streamblocks-platforms
> cd streamblocks-platforms && mvn install
In the streamblocks-platforms
directory running streamblocks --help
welcome you with some basic command line options. We will first go through the
software execution flow and then we will give you a tour of how you can compile
code for heterogeneous platforms (slightly more complicated). This guide does
not cover our partitioning methodology though, for that refer to the
To actually execute something, let's write a simple CAL program:
> echo '
namespace hetero.simple:
actor Source(int payload_size) ==> int Out:
int counter := 0;
transmit: action ==> Out:[t]
guard counter < payload_size
var t = counter
println("Tx: " + t);
counter := counter + 1;
actor Sink() int In ==>:
action In:[t] ==>
println("Rx: " + t);
actor Pass() int In ==> int Out:
action In:[t] ==> Out:[t]
network PassThrough() ==> :
source = Source(payload_size = 20);
pass = Pass() { partition = "hw"; };
sink = Sink();
source.Out --> pass.In { bufferSize = 1; };
pass.Out --> sink.In { bufferSize = 1; } ;
end' > simple.cal
You can compile this program program using:
> ./streamblocks multicore --source-path simple.cal --target-path myproject hetero.simple.PassThrough
Note that we have to specify the source files, an output directory, and the name
of the top network (which does not have any inputs or outputs) to the compiler.
Once streamblocks
finishes successfully, you see a new directory myproject
with the
following structure:
├── bin
│ ├── configuration.xcf
│ ├── PassThrough.py
│ ├── PassThrough.script
│ └── streamblocks.py
├── build
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── code-gen
│ ├── auxiliary
│ ├── CMakeLists.txt
│ ├── include
│ └── src
└── lib
├── art-genomic
├── art-native
├── art-node
├── art-runtime
├── cmake
└── CMakeLists.txt
does not contain the final executable at this point. The python files
are not currently used but generated nonetheless and you should just ignore
them. To get an executable, you should compile the generated C++ files down to
binary, this is done quite simply:
> mkdir -p myproject/build
> cd myproject/build
> cmake ..
> cmake --build .
This will create an executable bin/PassThrough
> cd ../bin
> ./PassThrough
Tx: 0
Tx: 1
Rx: 0
Tx: 2
Rx: 1
Tx: 3
Rx: 2
Tx: 4
Rx: 3
Tx: 5
Rx: 4
Tx: 6
Rx: 5
Tx: 7
Note that here we used a single thread to execute the three actors in software.
Using multiple threads is quite simple, you need a configuration file to specify
the actor to thread mapping. The PassThrough
executable can generate this file,
and you can then simply modify it:
> ./PassThrough --generate=threads.xml
Or you can write it yourself (e.g., use one thread per actor):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<partition id="0" scheduling="ROUND_ROBIN">
<instance id="source"/>
<partition id="1" scheduling="ROUND_ROBIN">
<instance id="pass"/>
<partition id="2" scheduling="ROUND_ROBIN">
<instance id="sink"/>
And use for multi-thread execution:
> ./PassThrough --cfile=threads.xml
For heterogeneous code we have to call the compiler twice with an extra --set partitioning=on
> ./streamblocks multicore --source-path simple.cal --target-path myproject --set partitioning=on hetero.simple.PassThrough
> ./streamblocks vivado-hls --source-path simple.cal --target-path myproject --set partitioning=on hetero.simple.PassThrough
Note that the two commands above merely generate C++ code for hardware and
software. Like the software-only flow, we have to further build the FPGA and
host binaries using cmake
Here is an example of generated directories:
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── multicore
│ ├── bin
│ ├── build
│ ├── CMakeLists.txt
│ ├── code-gen
│ │ ├── auxiliary
│ │ ├── CMakeLists.txt
│ │ ├── include
│ │ └── src
│ └── lib
│ ├── art-genomic
│ ├── art-native
│ ├── art-node
│ ├── art-plink
│ ├── art-runtime
│ ├── cmake
│ └── CMakeLists.txt
└── vivado-hls
├── bin
│ ├── xclbin
│ └── xrt.ini
├── build
├── cmake
│ ├── FindSDAccel.cmake
│ ├── FindVitis.cmake
│ ├── FindVitisHLS.cmake
│ ├── FindVivado.cmake
│ ├── FindVivadoHLS.cmake
│ ├── FindXRT.cmake
│ └── Helper.cmake
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── code-gen
│ ├── auxiliary
│ ├── host
│ ├── include
│ ├── include-tb
│ ├── rtl
│ ├── rtl-tb
│ ├── src
│ ├── src-tb
│ ├── tcl
│ ├── wcfg
│ └── xdc
├── output
│ ├── fifo-traces
│ └── kernel
├── scripts
└── systemc
├── include
└── src
In these rather large directory of files, what matters is the top-level
files which can be used to build a heterogeneous executable.
To build hardware targets, you need to have a working Vitis and Vivaod HLS
installation. Ideally use the 2019.2 versions (newer versions may work but have
not been really tested). Vitits is installed in ${VITIS_DIR}
you can make it
available in the ${PATH}
source ${VITIS_DIR}/settings64.sh
You also need to have ${XILINX_XRT}
set to where XRT
. Assuming you
have XRT
installed in /opt/xilinx/xrt
export XILINX_XRT=/opt/xilinx/xrt
With these environment variables set, you can proceed to building an FPGA binary
> mkdir -p myproject/build
> cd myproject/build
> cmake .. -DHLS_CLOCK_PERIOD=3.3 -DFPGA_NAME=xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e -DPLATFORM=xilinx_u200_xdma_201830_2 -DUSE_VITIS=on -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
> cmake --build . --target PassThrough_kernel_xclbin -- -j 4
This can take several hours. To get a simulation binary instead you can use
to use the hardware emulation mode in which the hardware
execution is simulated in software (see hardware emulation mode in Vitis). This
results in a faster compilation time but orders of magnitude slower execution
Likewise, you can build the software binary by
> cmake --build . --target PassThrough -- -j 4
Once both targets are ready, you can execute the program:
> cd ../bin
> ./PassThrough
Note that there is no cmake
dependency between the software and hardware
binary. Therefore, if you don't build the hardware binary you will end up with a
runtime error regarding a missing file. The hardware binary is be placed
in bin/xclbin/
and is supposed to be present when you call ./PassThrough
This rather tedious flow can easily be scripted. We plan to streamline
compilation in the future by integrating all the steps in one place. But for now
consider writing your own scripts. You can checkout the streamblocks-example
repository to ge inspired by how you can use cmake
to fully automate the