You know, the basic files under ~/
that begin with a .
Used to keep my computers and mind in sync.
Install ZSH
*note: Amazon Linux 2 distro does not come with chsh
you may need to run sudo yum install util-linux-user
Install OhMyZSH
cd ~
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Using Vundle
cd ~
git clone
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
From your ~/
home directory, symlink the dot_files:
ln -s dot_files/.bash_profile
ln -s dot_files/.vimrc
ln -s dot_files/.gitconfig
ln -s dot_files/.gitignore_global
ln -s dot_files/
ln -s dot_files/.git-completion.bash
ln -s dot_files/.pryrc
ln -s dot_files/.agignore
ln -s dot_files/.zshrc
ln -s ~/dot_files/strikemike2k.zsh-theme ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/strikemike2k.zsh-theme
Set up vim folders:
mkdir ~/.vim/files && mkdir ~/.vim/files/{backup,info,swap,undo}
Install fzf (fuzzy find)
git clone --depth 1 ~/.fzf
Install all vim plugins:
vim +PluginInstall +qall
Load your profile settings:
source ~/.zshrc
Have git
remember your credentials:
git config credential.helper store
View the /includes folder for extended functionality.
- Functions --------- New terminals, Pull requests, YML/hosts syncs and IP binding.
- Aliases
- Capistrano ---- Deploying Rails.
- Git ----------- Short and sweet is the way to git. Also auto complete branch names.
- Rails --------- ENV, custom ports, bake and more.
- Solr ---------- Tell the sun what to do.
- Aliases
Credit to shadoath for the base start of this repo