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subokita edited this page Aug 18, 2014 · 2 revisions
  • The library is able to render primitives such as textured cube or sphere on a scene, utilizing blinn-phong shading.
  • Lambertian shading is ported, however it seems like Three.js' lambertian model is more of gourad / vertex shading(?)
  • Normal mapping and texture mapping are implemented
  • Shader is now one per configuration, e.g. if there are 2 meshes in the scene, one uses phong lighting and normal map, while the others only have texture mapping, then 2 shaders are created for the purposes.
  • Shadow mapping is implemented, you can now cast shadow using directional and spot lights (cascade shadow is still pending though)
  • Integrated with FontStash, thus three.cpp is able to show texts now.
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