This tool enables a decoupled architecture, think sending emails when a user signs up. Instead of having explicit code in your #
function that does the work (and slows down your response), you just have to worry about inserting the row into the database. After this, a database trigger (see below) will generate an event which gets sent to RabbitMQ. From there, you can have multiple consumers reacting to that event (send # email, send sms notification). Those consumers tend to be very short, self contained scripts.
If you pair pg-amqp-bridge and the Web STOMP plugin for RabbitMQ , you can enable real time updates with almost zero code.
The larger goal is to enable the development of backends around PostgREST/subZero philosophy. Check out the PostgREST Starter Kit to see how pg-amqp-bridge
fits in a larger project.
For upstreams other then RabbitMQ (and additional features) check out pg-event-proxy
Currently the supported upstreams
- amqp 0.9 (RabbitMQ)
- mqtt (Apache ActiveMQ, Cassandana, HiveMQ, Mosquitto, RabbitMQ, AWS IoT, Amazon MQ, ...)
- redis pubsub (Redis)
- SNS (Amazon Simple Notification Service)
- SQS (Amazon Simple Queue Service)
- Lambda (AWS Lambda)
Configuration is done through environment variables:
- AMQP_URI: e.g.
, default isNON-PERSISTENT
Note: It's recommended to always use the same name for postgresql channel and exchange/queue in BRIDGE_CHANNELS
, for example
VERSION=0.0.1 \
PLATFORM=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu \
curl -SLO${VERSION}/pg-amqp-bridge-${VERSION}-${PLATFORM}.tar.gz && \
tar zxf pg-amqp-bridge-${VERSION}-${PLATFORM}.tar.gz && \
mv pg-amqp-bridge /usr/local/bin
POSTGRESQL_URI="postgres://postgres@localhost" \
AMQP_URI="amqp://localhost//" \
BRIDGE_CHANNELS="pgchannel1:task_queue,pgchannel2:direct_exchange,pgchannel3:topic_exchange" \
docker run --rm -it --net=host \
-e POSTGRESQL_URI="postgres://postgres@localhost" \
-e AMQP_URI="amqp://localhost//" \
-e BRIDGE_CHANNELS="pgchannel1:task_queue,pgchannel2:direct_exchange,pgchannel3:topic_exchange" \
You can enable logging of the forwarded messages with the RUST_LOG=info
environment variable.
Note: the bridge doesn't declare exchanges or queues, if they aren't previoulsy declared it will exit with an error.
NOTIFY pgchannel1, 'Task message';
Since pgchannel1
is bound to task_queue
in BRIDGE_CHANNELS 'Task message'
will be sent to task_queue
You can specify a routing key with the format routing_key|message
NOTIFY pgchannel2, 'direct_key|Direct message';
Since there is a pgchannel2:direct_exchange
declared in BRIDGE_CHANNELS 'Direct message'
will be sent to direct_exchange
with a routing key of direct_key
You can specify the routing key with the usual syntax used for topic exchanges.
NOTIFY pgchannel3, '*.orange|Topic message';
NOTIFY pgchannel3, '|Topic message';
NOTIFY pgchannel3, 'lazy.#|Topic message';
NOTIFY pgchannel3, 'key|X-First-Header: value1, value2; X-Second-Header: value3|message'
To make sending messages a bit easier you can setup the following functions in your database
create schema rabbitmq;
create or replace function rabbitmq.send_message(channel text, routing_key text, message text) returns void as $$
select pg_notify(channel, routing_key || '|' || message);
$$ stable language sql;
create or replace function rabbitmq.on_row_change() returns trigger as $$
routing_key text;
row record;
routing_key := 'row_change'
'.table-'::text || TG_TABLE_NAME::text ||
'.event-'::text || TG_OP::text;
if (TG_OP = 'DELETE') then
row := old;
elsif (TG_OP = 'UPDATE') then
row := new;
elsif (TG_OP = 'INSERT') then
row := new;
end if;
-- change 'events' to the desired channel/exchange name
perform rabbitmq.send_message('events', routing_key, row_to_json(row)::text);
return null;
$$ stable language plpgsql;
After this, you can send events from your stored procedures like this
rabbitmq.send_message('exchange-name', 'routing-key', 'Hi!');
You can stream row changes by attaching a trigger to tables
create trigger send_change_event
after insert or update or delete on tablename
for each row execute procedure rabbitmq.on_row_change();
curl -sSf | sh
POSTGRESQL_URI="postgres://postgres@localhost" \
AMQP_URI="amqp://localhost//" \
BRIDGE_CHANNELS="pgchannel1:task_queue,pgchannel2:direct_exchange,pgchannel3:topic_exchange" \
cargo run
Note: RabbitMQ and PostgreSQL need to be running on your localhost
cargo test
Anyone and everyone is welcome to contribute.
- Slack — Watch announcements, share ideas and feedback
- GitHub Issues — Check open issues, send feature requests
Inspired by @FGRibreau's work
Copyright © 2017-present subZero Cloud, LLC.
This source code is licensed under MIT license
The documentation to the project is licensed under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.