This is a Twitch Subathon Countdown originally by JayexDesigns.
The CSS Code is updated by Johnnycyan.
The JS Files have been re-written by SugoiDogo.
A subathon timer that increases when someone subscribes, donates to your charity, donates bits, follows or raids.
Go to the config page, authorize the timer, and configure to your liking.
You will need your StreamElements Overlay Token to use this feature. You can get if from your StreamElements channel settings.
The original version of this overlay included support for events from StreamLabs and Streamloots, and the version this is forked from included additional features by leabdd and danilotitato, such as Random Happy Hour and Bulk Events. This fork is an almost total re-write of the core JS code behind the timer, so those features will also have to be re-written to be included in this fork. Future versions of this timer will include a plug-in loader, allowing additional features and event sources to be added without additional forking.