A Collection of the Raspberry Pi Pico/Pico2 classes. Also, a SDK API wrapper class is provided.
An online HTML documentation is available for the details of the APIs.
This class collection ( or class library ) encapsules the certain data structure of Pico SDK behind the classes. And it also allows programmers to use the dependency-injection in their projects. So, programmers can test their code with Google Test before testing on the target hardware.
The following classes are provided in this version.
Class | Header file | Description |
::rpp_driver::SdkWrapper | sdk/sdkwrapper.hpp | Wrapper class of Pico SDK |
::rpp_driver::GpioBasic | gpio/gpiobasic.hpp | Basic GPIO controller |
::rpp_driver::I2cMaster | i2c/i2cmaster.hpp | I2C Master controller |
::rpp_driver::I2sSlaveDuplex | i2s/i2sslaveduplex.hpp | Polling based PIO I2S driver |
::rpp_driver::Adau1361 | codec/adau1361.hpp | Audio CODEC driver |
::rpp_driver::UmbAdau1361Lower | codec/umbadau1361lower.hpp | CODEC lower driver dedicated to UMB-ADAU1361-A board |
The newest copy of this project is found in the GitHub repository.
Run the following command to obtain this project from CLI:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/suikan4github/rpp_driver.git
The newest copy of the sample programs are found in the GitHub repository.
Run the following command to obtain the sample from CLI:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/suikan4github/rpp_driver-sample.git
To build the sample program and/or test program, you need to install the build tools. The followings are the command to install these tools on Ubuntu.
apt-get -y update
apt-get -y install build-essential cmake ninja-build git
apt-get -y install gcc-arm-none-eabi libnewlib-arm-none-eabi
apt-get -y install doxygen graphviz
The driver classes are tested by GoogleTest and fff. Follow the procedure to build the tests.
From the repository root ( where this README.md stays), run the following commands.
mkdir build
cmake --build build --config Debug --target all
An API document is provided as HTML files. To obtain it, run doxygen at the project root ( where the README.md exists).
The documentation will be generated under the docs/html/ subdirectory.
To use the rpp_driver, as a first step, you need to add following lines into your CMakeLists.txt.
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} pico_stdlib
Note : Beside of rpp_driver, link the Raspberry Pi Pico SDK libraries as needed.
By linking rpp_driver library, the include path for the source code are set automatically.
This project is provided under MIT License.
@author Seiichi Horie