- linting and completion using LSP
- syntax highlighting using TreeSitter
- fuzzy finder using FZF
- airline
- install Nerd font - https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts
- TreeSitter update should happen automatically after the initial installation but you can trigger it with
:LspInstall <language-name>
Key | Action |
<space><space> |
Find file |
<space>a |
Fulltext search in files |
<space>b |
Search open buffers |
<C-c><C-c> |
clean selection (the same as :noh) |
<C-h> |
Left window |
<C-l> |
Right window |
<C-k> |
Top window |
<C-j> |
Bottom window |
gc |
Delete buffer |
gn |
Next buffer |
gN |
Previous buffer |
gC |
Delete all buffers but the selected one |
Key | Action |
gd |
Go to definition |
<space>f |
Format file |
K |
Show information about symbol under cursor |
C-K |
Show signature of a function under cursor |
gR |
Rename a symbol under cursor |
gr |
Show references of a symbol under cursor |
<space>ca |
Code actions |
<space>e |
Show line diagnostics |
[e |
Diagnostic: previous |
]e |
Diagnostic: next |
Key | Action |
<space>gs |
Git status buffer |
<space>gc |
Git commit |
Key | Action |
<ctrl><space> |
Toogle terminal |
- formatting