Important: This project and the predefined make
commands heavily rely on the Symfony CLI. Ensure it's installed
and available in your PATH. Download it from here or use the make install-symfony-cli
command to install it.
Following features are implemented:
- Synchronization of Sylius Taxons into Sulu Categories
- Synchronization of Sylius Products into Sulu Articles
- XML-Template of articles in Sulu contains the code, price and meta information of the product
- On the website the user can see the products on the website and can click on them to see the product details
- The user can add products to the cart and see basic information for the cart
- The user can do an example checkout with dummy data
Follow the steps below to set up the project on your local machine.
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory.
cd sulu-sylius-showcase
- Start the services using the Makefile start command.
make start
- Run the Makefile install command. This will set up the development environment and destroy any existing data.
make install
- Start the Sulu consumer to synchronize the products and taxons.
make start-sulu-consumer
- Synchronize the taxons and example products from Sylius to Sulu.
make synch-taxons
make synch-products
This project includes several services that can be accessed via the following URLs:
- Sulu:
- Sulu Admin Portal:
- Sylius Admin Portal:
- Mail Catcher:
Please ensure that the services are running before trying to access these URLs.
This project includes a Makefile with predefined commands for common tasks. Here are some of the basic commands:
make start
: Starts the services. This command runsstart-services
, andstart-sylius
make start
make install
: Sets up the development environment. This command runsinstall-sulu
make install
make log
: Shows the logs. This command runslog-sulu
, andlog-services
make log
make stop
: Stops the services. This command runsstop-services
, andstop-sylius
make stop
make start-sulu-consumer
: Starts the Sulu consumer. This command runs the Symfony console messenger to consume thesulu_sylius_transport
make start-sulu-consumer
make synch-taxons
: Synchronizes Sylius Taxons into Sulu Categories.
make synch-taxons
make synch-products
: Synchronizes Sylius Products into Sulu Articles.
make synch-products
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.