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U-LPT00135\sumeetc edited this page Nov 21, 2015 · 1 revision

Installing ffead-cpp

Before installing please ensure that all necessary dependencies and prerequisites are met which are,

  • c++ compiler
  • autotools
  • ssl libraries
  • zlib

There are other dependencies if you need to use the sdorm module in ffead-cpp. You can visit the Prerequisites page for detailed information.

You can build ffead-cpp from source or download a binary version depending on your operating system.

Binaries are located at Releases

To build ffead-cpp from source,

  1. Download the ffead-cpp source code zip from github, Latest or if you want to build a prior release you can do so from Releases
  2. Extract the zip file to a location of your choice, for e.g, /home/user/ffead-cpp and change the directory to this new folder
  3. ./ (Setup configure for your platform)
  4. ./configure (Setup makefiles)
  5. make all (Build ffead-cpp)
  6. make build-apps (Build the sample applications in web and generate ffead-cpp binary)
  7. cd ffead-cpp-2.0-bin/ (Navigate to the ffead-cpp binary folder)
  8. ./ (Startup ffead-cpp)

Point your browser at http://localhost:8080/index.html and see if everything works!

In case you have downloaded a binary release then you can just execute the script after extracting the release folder to start the ffead-cpp HTTP server.