- Atlassian provides an SSH/SCP task that is supported by Atlassian.
- This 3rd-party addon introduces a few features that were important for our use case.
- SSH command changes require password re-entry
- Reverse SCP Tasks allows you to pull files back from a remote server
- Does not require the public key to be installed on remote machines (though you can use this plugin to easily do so!)
- Passwords are masked in logs
- Passwords never seen in command history or "ps aux"
- Changing the executed command requires re-entry of password
Download and install atlassian's latest SDK
Checkout this code $ git clone git@bitbucket.org:eddiewebb/bamboo-ssh-plugin.git
And then change to the directory that you downloaded and..
- atlas-run -- installs this plugin into Bamboo and starts it on http://localhost:6990/bamboo
- atlas-debug -- same as atlas-run, but allows a debugger to attach at port 5005
- atlas-cli -- after atlas-run or atlas-debug, opens a Maven command line window: - 'pi' reinstalls the plugin into the running Bamboo instance
- atlas-help -- prints description for all commands in the SDK
Full documentation is always available at:
A big thanks to the bamboo scp plugin, https://bitbucket.org/i386/bamboo-scp-plugin and it's authors for inspiring the task.