Exports a Google Firestore database recursively including all collections and subcollections into plain JSON files.
Uses the built-in recursive()
flag of the Query class:
Allows you to analyze the data in your Firestore database locally without being constrained to Firestore or BigQuery limitations. For example:
- Finding incomplete documents
- Finding broken document references
- Finding documents without fields
- Querying subcollections of collections without documents
You can use custom scripts or the powerful jq command-line JSON processor
to perform complex lookups, such as this example,
or the following, which extracts all documents that do not have the key 'createdBy'
jq -r 'with_entries(select(.value.createdBy == null))' collection.json
- Python 3
Install firebase-admin via pip
$ pip3 install firebase-admin
Run export to JSON.
$ python3 main.py
Serialize TimestampWithNanoseconds (instead of converting to string) https://code.luasoftware.com/tutorials/google-cloud-firestore/python-firestore-query-documents-to-json
Serialize document references (e.g. as document path instead of address)
"ref": "<google.cloud.firestore_v1.document.DocumentReference object at 0x111ef1c50>"
Import into local Firestore emulator
Allow to export as line-delimited JSON (LDJSON) to allow streaming and avoid loading the whole db into memory when importing.