This repository is currently being reorganized, so please excuse the dust :)
Teensy 4.0/4.1 code for SDM22's Data Acquisition (DAQ) Package, which consists of a main board and two wheel boards.
Pictures TODO
contains various test/example scripts for sensors and communicationmain
contains the code uploaded to the main board's Teensy 4.1wheel
contains the code uploaded to the wheel board's Teensy 4.0
Currently only supporting Linux. MacOS might work.
- Install the latest version of Teensyduino. This project was built using Teensyduino 1.56.
# Get the project
$ git clone
$ cd sdm22
# Change directory to the relevant project
$ cd main
# Compile
$ make ARDUINOPATH='abspath/to/arduino/installation'
# if compiling for wheel board, be sure to set the board
# options: FLBOARD (default if not specified), BRBOARD
# Upload
$ make upload
- PCB files can be found here
- Data Analyzer Software TODO