- Want to build your own wall calendar with a picture of you favourite cat?
- Tired searching for suitable calendar grid?
- Want to have custom holidays on calendar?
Yowcalendar will generate custom calendar grid for you! You can than overlay it over any image of you choice in any graphical editor of your choice.
- Java 8 JDK with JavaFX (JavaFX is bundled with Oracle JDK 8 and should be installed as a separate installable package (OpenJFX) for OpenJDK)
- IDE with lombok plugin
For now app is launched straight from IDE and configured by editing source code (see Main class for details).
Why bother if this app is needed only once a year? Just in case of some really free time:
- configuration instead of hardcoded config values
- externalize holidays config (at least a warning about outdated holidays)
- decompose and cleanup God class
- editing of css when launched from jar
- localization
- ...