Package GoHTTP is an elegant and simple HTTP library for Go.
go get -u
A few usage examples can be found below. See the documentation for the full list of supported functions.
// HTTP GET request
r, _ := gohttp.Get("", gohttp.H{"Authorization": "token"})
fmt.Print(r.StatusCode) // 200
fmt.Print(r.Header.Get("content-type")) // application/json; charset=utf-8
fmt.Print(r.String()) // {"type":"User"...
// HTTP POST request
r, _ = gohttp.Post("", nil, url.Values{"hello": []string{"world"}})
var data struct { Form struct{ Hello string } }
fmt.Println(data.Form.Hello) // world
// Upload File
r, _ := gohttp.Upload("", nil, nil, gohttp.F("readme", ""))
var resp struct {
Files struct{ Readme string }
Headers struct {
ContentType string `json:"Content-Type"`
fmt.Println(strings.Split(resp.Files.Readme, "\r\n")[0]) // # GoHTTP
fmt.Println(strings.Split(resp.Headers.ContentType, ";")[0]) // multipart/form-data
// Session provides cookie persistence and configuration
s := gohttp.NewSession()
s.Header.Set("hello", "world")
s.Get("", nil)
r, _ := s.Get("", nil)
var data struct { Headers struct{ Hello, Cookie string } }
fmt.Println(data.Headers.Hello) // world
fmt.Println(data.Headers.Cookie) // name=value