This is a koa GraphQL template build with typescript
- Koa2
- apollo-server-koa v2
- GraphQL(use type-graphql)
- mongodb (use mongoose + typegoose as orm)
- eslint
- nodemon
- prettier
install all dependencies
install mongodb
brew tap mongodb/brew
brew install mongodb-community@4.2
start mongo service
brew services start mongodb-community@4.2
start server
yarn serve
visit GraphQL
5.1 try to create a mutation
mutation { saveInfo(data: { hobby:["唱","跳","rap","篮球"], height:"165", weight: 100}){ hobby height weight } }
then you will see
5.2 try to query
query { # students(age:22){ # sex # name # age # } # studentsWithInfo { # sex # name # age # } infos { _id height weight hobby } }
then you will see