My UMass iCons Student Profile Page.
Currently working on my iCons 3 Project Linked Here.
Mini iCons 3 Pitch with Sebastian Armstrong.
This is a repository to hold all Research Work I have done under the Integrated Concentration in Science (iCons) Program along with the College of Natural Sciences at University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
All of these projects can be found in the Official UMass iCons Innovation Portal. The Official UMass Entry
link under each project in this page is the actual published link of the project, and should be used primarily to refer to the same.
This page mainly serves as a means to collate all my projects and those links in one place, as well as give some extra resources for each project. Projects under this page are compiled in reverse chronological order (most recent first).
Filtered list from the Innovation Portal, showcasing my projects
Visit Project Website for Updates:
A group project to map the Boston T and judge it's accessibility. The project uses two repositories:
for R data, GIS data, manipulation, creation, and literally almost everything- "iCons2-MoS" subfolder of this current parent repository, only to export
as a webpage and host it on GitHub Pages. Alternatively, Click Here.
Official UMass Entry (iCons Innovation Portal)
Here is the Website with the Map and scores
Repository with R code and GIS data for this project
Featured in UMass Amherst News
An individual project to create an interactive visualization to showcase the development and adoption of Flow Batteries.
Official UMass Entry (iCons Innovation Portal)
All the code for the website is in the "iCons1-CS2" folder of the parent Github repository of this website, or alternatively you can also Click Here
A website which was created as an extension to our Poster. Our Research was "Filling in gap of ways to make Hydrogen Energy more Accessible and Reliable". The website was created as an interactive means for the audience to view the data and the future scope of the project.
The main poster along with the research data and the sources can be viewed here. The website was created as a companion to go alongside said poster. The link was given to all before the presentation, and the audience could play around with the website while listening about our research.
Official UMass Entry (iCons Innovation Portal)
Click here for the Poster in PDF Format
All the code for the website is in the "iCons1-CS2" folder of the parent Github repository of this website, or alternatively you can also Click Here
A presentation conducting a meta analysis to determine which countries had the best response to COVID-19 between March - May 2020.
Official UMass Entry (iCons Innovation Portal).