by GirlScript
Invoice-Table [https://sur16-cse.github.io/Uplift-Project/Task1/]
only HtML used.
project to practice Table tag, td tag, th tag.
#-Form [https://sur16-cse.github.io/Uplift-Project/Task2/]
only HTML used.
project to practice Form tag with inline css button tag input tag check box.
My-Favourite-Dishes [https://sur16-cse.github.io/Uplift-Project/Task3/]
only html used.
projet to practice div tag.
GoCo-Tracker [https://sur16-cse.github.io/Uplift-Project/Task4/]
HTML and CSS used(flex,responsive).
project to create nav bar,flex used responsive behaviour.
Inspiration of hero section of GoCo Tracker