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Repository files navigation

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- port    : 8080
- log     : logs


+-- api
   ├── swagger-iam.json
   ├── swagger-activity-log.json
+-- configs
   ├── app.yaml.dist
+-- cmd
   ├── app
      ├── main.go
+-- docs
+-- deployments
   ├── Dockerfile
   ├── docker-compose.yaml
+-- infrastructures
   ├── mariadb.go
   ├── postgres.go
   ├── sentry.go
+-- internal
   ├── pkg
   +-- http
      ├── routes.go
      ├── user.go
   +-- user
      ├── model.go
      +-- schema
         ├── mariadb.go
         ├── sql.go
      ├── repository.go
      ├── response.go
      ├── request.go
      ├── service.go
+-- pkg
   ├── utils
├── .dockerignore
├── .gitignore
├── Makefile``

Pre Test Backend Simple API


  • Go 1.11+


go mod tidy

Running Service

  • Http Service
go run cmd/sanhook/main.go http
  • Nats Pub-Sub Service
go run cmd/sanhook/main.go nats

Create a simple API

API for sending a message

GET: /v1/api/message/publish/{subject:[a-z-]+}

curl -i http://localhost:8080/v1/api/message/publish/nats-topic?message=makan+daging+kambing+pakai+sayur+lodeh
API for collect message that has been sent out

GET: /v1/api/message/inbox/{id:[a-z-0-9]+}

curl -i http://localhost:8080/v1/api/message/inbox/824bed3e-5073-4ebe-b3a0-833aa1247372
  • Get All Inbox

GET: /v1/api/message/inbox

curl -i http://localhost:8080/v1/api/message/inbox
API for display message in real time
  • For Subscribe Service Real Time

Service: -s [subject-for-subscribe]

go run cmd/sanhook/main.go subscribe -s nats-topic 


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