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SCIM 2.0 Java SDK

JDK 17+

System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) specification is designed to make managing user identities in cloud-based applications and services easier. The specification suite seeks to build upon experience with existing schemas and deployments, placing specific emphasis on simplicity of development and integration, while applying existing authentication, authorization, and privacy models.

Its intent is to reduce the cost and complexity of user management operations by providing a common user schema and extension model, as well as binding documents to provide patterns for exchanging this schema using standard protocols. In essence: make it fast, cheap, and easy to move users in to, out of, and around the cloud.

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This repo contains three components/libraries schema, client and server that supports scim2 protocol.

These libraries can be included in any of your java applications. Use below maven repository in your project.

        <name>suvera Maven Repo</name>


This library contains SCIM 2.0 protocol definitions, json schemas, resources, and helper utilities.



This library contains SCIM 2.0 compatible Http client.


You can build a client object like below.

Scim2Client client = new Scim2ClientBuilder("http://localhost:8880/scim2")
    .usernamePassword("username", "password").
    .bearerToken("OR, Bearer Auth token here")

sp = client.getSpConfig();
ressourceTypes = client.getResourceTypes();
schemas = client.getSchemas();

userResourceType = client.getResourceType("urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User");
userSchema = client.getSchema("urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User");

# User operations
client.createUser(UserRecord record);
client.readUser(String userId);
client.replaceUser(String userId, UserRecord record);
client.deleteUser(String userId);
client.patchUser(String id, PatchRequest<UserRecord> request);

# Group operations
client.createGroup(GroupRecord record);
client.readGroup(String groupId);
client.replaceGroup(String groupId, GroupRecord record);
client.deleteGroup(String groupId);
client.patchGroup(String id, PatchRequest<GroupRecord> request);

# Generic methods - for any custom resource
client.create(T record, ResourceType resourceType); id, Class<T> cls, ResourceType resourceType);
client.replace(String id, T record, ResourceType resourceType);
client.delete(String id, ResourceType resourceType);
client.patch(String id, PatchRequest<T> request, ResourceType resourceType); request, Class<T> cls, ResourceType resourceType);

# Root level SCIM Operations
client.bulk(BulkRequest request); request);

Check the interface for more information.


This is a Spring Boot library, can be added to your boot application like below.

  • You need to implement interfaces defined in service package of scim2-sdk-server. Check the package code for more details.
  • Append "dev.suvera.scim2.server" package to scanBasePackages config option of SpringBootApplication like below.
@SpringBootApplication(scanBasePackages = {"dev.suvera.scim2.server", "your packages here ..."})

SCIM search filter parsing capability also provided. You can convert SCIM filter to SQL where clause.

Check the for example implementation.

MysqlFilterConverter c = new MysqlFilterConverter();
c.convert("userName co \"bjensen\"", Map.of("userName", "user_name"));

DbFilterClause clause = c.getClause();

Working example usage of the filter converter is at


There is an example server implementation scim2-sdk-server-example for more information.

Is your server is compliant to SCIM 2.0?

Here is the tool to test the compliance level