Alimento is a food ordering app that allows users to order food from their favorite restaurant. Restaurants can manage the order status right from order confirmation to delivery of the order.
Overview :
- Customer
- Restaurant
Only customers can order food from the app, Restaurants are not allowed to order food.
- Manage the lifecycle of the orders.
- View previous orders
- Create, Read, Update, Delete the dishes.
- Order food.
- View previous orders
- Track Orders
- Add review for a particular restaurant
- Add review for a particular dish
- User to search for all the restaurant which are delivering a particular dish in a particular city.
- User to search for a restaurant in a city.
- User can see all the restaurant which deliver in a city.
- User gets all the updates regarding order on email as well.
- User can only order food from 1 restaurant in one order.
- Users to download order invoice and also provided order tracking details.
- Restaurant to have their own webpage.
- In case a customer or restaurant forgets the password, It allows you to update the password by sending an intermediate login link to your registered email id. Which will be valid for 15 mins.
Please watch this video to have an overview of all the features.
Demo video