This habit tracking app helps you to implement new habits efficiently and supports you in reaching your goals faster. It motivates you to stick to your good resolutions and rewards you with completion streaks for your successfully completed daily, weekly, or monthly tasks and thus pursuing your long-term goals. You can track and analyze your progress, so that you can always check how you're doing and how close you already are to having established your new routines.
The program offers the possibility to create and complete habits, analyze the progress on stored habits and delete those which you don't want to keep any longer.
For creating a habit, first you must provide a unique name. Optionally a short description can be added (this one can be skipped by hitting enter). Select a periodicity from the selection menu (either daily, weekly, or monthly) and set a realistic final goal for your habit. This specifies how often you must complete the habit before it is considered established.
Completing a habit is fairly easy: Select the habit you want to check off from the selection menu. Complete a habit several times within the specified time period to build a streak and keep it going! If you fail to complete the habit in time, you break the habit, and your current streak is reset to 1. The longest streak you ever reached is saved as "high score". Be honest to yourself! Only check off tasks that you have already fulfilled. Moreover, you can complete a habit only once per period (once a day, once a week, once a month), so don't attempt to cheat! The very first completion of a habit has no time restrictions, so you can create habits in advance.
To track your progress, the analysis menu offers the options to get an overview of all stored habits, filter them by periodicity or view the detailed record of a single habit. You can also check the habits with the longest streaks and those with the closest goal, both stratified by periodicity and a summary of all established habits.
If you created a task that you don't want to pursue anymore or misconfigured the habit you just created, you can simply delete it by choosing the habit name from the selection menu. Use this option with great caution! Deleted habits cannot be restored...
Before you start, run the following command in your terminal to install all required packages and modules.
pip install -r requirements.txt
The program was developed under python 3.11. Older versions might not be supported.
Run the following command in your terminal to start the test suite of the program.
pytest .
To start the program execute
and follow the instructions in your console.