This project is not used in a production environment yet, so try it at your own risk.
A Clojure library designed to wrap cemerick's friend
([]) library.
It provides templates for login / # with email activation. Additionally there is an admin interface where one can
edit existing users or add new ones.
- enlive (v1.1.5) as templating library.
- friend (0.2.1)
- Bootstrap (> 3.0) is required too if you want it to look nice.
Friendui is available in Clojars:
There is an implementation for this which uses SQL Korma as a backend: It uses JDBC; MySQL and PostgreSQL schemas are provided, and other DBs could be supported too if you customize the schemas.
Friendui looks for a configuration file named: friendui-config.edn
in the classpath.
An example config can be found here: []
Then you have to alter the root binding of the base template var like this:
(:require [de.sveri.friendui.globals :as f-global])
(html/deftemplate base (str template-path "base.html")
[{:keys [title content]}]
[:#title] (util/maybe-content title) ; this corresponds to the :base-template-title-key key in the config
[:#content] (util/maybe-substitute content)) ; this corresponds to the :base-template-content-key key in the config
(alter-var-root #'f-global/base-template (fn [_] (partial base)))
Friendui supports two different ways of sending email which are configured in friendui-config.edn by the :mail-type
- :sendmail Expects a running sendmail on
by which the mail will be delivered. - :smtp An extra :smtp-data map must be provided in the config which is passed as is to
: []
And finally you have to implement a protocol to retrieve and store user data:
(defprotocol FrienduiStorage
"Defines methods to access user storage for retrieval and update."
(account-activated? [this activationid]
"Provides an id. Expects a boolean return value indicating if the user, belonging to the id is
activated or not.")
(activate-account [this activationid]
"Should set the user with the given id to activated. After this function was called successfully
(account-activated?) should return true.")
(create-user [this email password role activationid]
"Should add a new user to your data store. Return value is not checked.")
(get-all-users [this]
"Called from the admin view. Expects a list of all known users in this format:
({:user/activated false, :user/role :user/admin, :user/email}
Where each key corresponds to the configured keyword from friendui-config.edn")
(get-user-for-activation-id [this id]
"Should return a map containing the username and role of this user like this:
{:username username :roles #{role}}")
(update-user [this username data-map]
"Updates the user with the given data map of the form: {:user/activated boolean :user/role :user/free}")
(username-exists? [this username]
"Expects true if the username exists already in the storage, false otherwise."))
Then you pass this storage to the friendui
routes like this:
(:require [de.sveri.friendui.routes.user :refer [friend-routes]])
(defroutes allroutes
(friend-routes FrienduiStorageImpl)
(def app
(friend/authenticate allroutes friend-settings)))
Of course you have to define your friend settings yourself in your application, this is an example of mine:
(def friend-settings
{:credential-fn (partial creds/bcrypt-credential-fn user/#-user)
:workflows [(workflows/interactive-form)]
:login-uri "/user/#"
:unauthorized-redirect-uri "/user/#"
:default-landing-uri "/"})
This should get you up and running.
(GET "/user/#") ; expects a "username" / "password" combination
(GET "/user/#")
(POST "/user/#") ; expects email / password / confirm parameters
(GET "/user/accountcreated")
(GET "/user/activate/:id")
(GET "/user/accountactivated")
(GET "/user/admin" [filter])
(POST "/user/update" [username role active])
(POST "/user/add" [email password confirm]) ; used in admin view
(ANY "/user/logout")
Friendui provides support for callback functions. These are called under certain circumstances.
You can pass them as a map to the friend-routes
function like this:
(friend-routes (db/FrienduiStorageImpl db-conn) {:#-succ-func (fn [] (println "succ func"))})
Currently these two are supported:
Called after a successfull # - no argumentsactivate-account-succ-func
Called after a successful user activation, takes a user map as argument (providesusername
0.4.6 rendering with
(apply str
again -
0.4.5 Added success message when password was changed
0.4.4 Removing utils and switching to clojure test
0.4.3 Do not authenticate with friend after account activation
0.4.2 Added SMTP authentication in config
- Switched to
- Switched to
0.4.0 Added
page will redirect after three seconds to index page- Added anti-forgery hidden input fields for forms
0.3.3 Added two callback functions
0.3.2 Added default unauthorized handler and an example storage protocol implementation at: sveri/friendui-datomic
0.3.1 Bugfix and documentation release
0.3.0 decoupled from Datomic which caused a lot of API changes.
0.2.4 - Broken build - don't use it
- Added Administrator interface for users.
- User roles and activation status can be updated by administrators.
- New Users can be added by administrators.
- A filter is available for the user list
0.2.3 First working release with an implementation that dependson
and Datomic.
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or any later version.