A PowerShell script to setup Edge Profiles
Most of the work is done by Albert-Jan Schot and described in a blogpost.
I wanted to extend this with some default browser extensions and bookmarks and make it easy to use for my colleagues.
Use it at your own risk. If the script fails, your existing profiles are gone. You can manually restore it by replacing the file %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Local State
with %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Local State Backup
To use this follow the next steps:
- open PowerShell
- run command
code $profile
- add the following line of code at the end of the file. It will always get the latest version of the script when you startup PowerShell.
iex (iwr 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sverleysen/SetupEdge/main/Setup-EdgeProfiles.ps1').Content
- Optional: add the following code block to install additional browser extensions. To get the extension id, open an extension in the store and copy the last part of the url.
$personalEdgeExtensions = @(
"extension id"
$personalChromeExtensions = @(
"extension id"
- run command
. $profile
to reload the settings.
It will create a new Edge profile, do some default settings, set default bookmarks and load browser extensions(that still needs to be installed manually)
In the process of creating the new profile, it will kill the Edge process, so all your Edge browsers will be closed
New-EdgeProfile Customer1
It will apply all the settings, bookmarks and extensions to an existing profile
It will apply bookmarks and extensions to an existing profile
It will load extensions to an existing profile (that still needs to be installed manually)
It will load bookmarks to an existing profile