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Tags: svilupp/AIHelpMe.jl



[Diff since v0.3.0](v0.3.0...v0.4.0)

- Added the knowledge pack for GenieFramework org. (alias `:genie`).

- Updated the knowledge pack for core Julia docs (alias `:julia`).

Both were made possible by [Splendidbug](!

- Fixed a bug in `aihelp()` where `rerank=false` and `search=false` would not block these steps if they were previously enabled.

**Merged pull requests:**
- Add new knowledge packs for JuliaLang, GenieFramework (#33) (@svilupp)


[Diff since v0.2.1](v0.2.1...v0.3.0)

- New knowledge packs created by Splendidbug using `DocsScraper.jl` (to be registered soon, created as part of Google Summer of Code).
- Knowledge packs for JuliaData org (DataFrames.jl), Plots org, and SciML org.
- Refreshed knowledge packs for Makie org and Tidier org.
- Golden Q&A sets for new packages to evaluate performance.

- Changed default chunk size to 384 based on evaluation results.
- Increased compatibility for PromptingTools to v0.50, enabling the use of the latest chat models.
- Changed const-Ref variables to typed globals to prevent issues encountered in PromptingTools.

- Legacy pack "juliaextra".

- Issues related to const-Ref variables by switching to typed globals.
- Fixed `:gold` pipeline inconsistently updating the embedding dimension

- The new knowledge packs are currently available only for the OpenAI Text embedding Large 3 model.
- Latest chat models can now be used, but embedding models are restricted for prebuilt knowledge packs.

**Merged pull requests:**
- New knowledge packs (#30) (@svilupp)
- Clean up sources for SciML (#31) (@svilupp)
- Update default configuration (#32) (@svilupp)


[Diff since v0.2.0](v0.2.0...v0.2.1)

- Increased compat for PromptingTools to v0.37.1 to include bugfixes.

**Merged pull requests:**
- Up Compat PromptingTools (#29) (@svilupp)


[Diff since v0.1.1](v0.1.1...v0.2.0)

- Increased PromptingTools compat to v0.37

**Merged pull requests:**
- Delete the `node_modules` folder in docs (#26) (@asinghvi17)
- Increase compat PromptingTools v0.37 (#28) (@svilupp)


## AIHelpMe v0.1.1

[Diff since v0.1.0](v0.1.0...v0.1.1)

### Fixed

- Fixed a bug in build_index where imports were missing and keywords were not passed properly in all scenarios.

### Commits

**Merged pull requests:**
- Update Instructions (#21) (@svilupp)
- Update docs  (#22) (@svilupp)
- Fix `build_index` (#24) (@svilupp)

**Closed issues:**
- TextChunker not defined when building index (#23)


## AIHelpMe v0.1.0

**Merged pull requests:**
- Fix global vars (#1) (@svilupp)
- fix install instruction (#4) (@PGimenez)
- Update to new PromptingTools RAG (#10) (@svilupp)
- Update documentation + tests (#15) (@svilupp)
- Update Docs (#16) (@svilupp)
- Add preference system (#17) (@svilupp)

**Closed issues:**
- [FR] Update compat for PromptingTools (#8)
- [FR] Add support for Ollama-based models (#11)
- [FR] [Docs] Improve documentation (#12)
- [FR] Integrate Preferences.jl to allow persistent settings of pipelines/models (#13)