Service accepts BTC payments and registers chosen EOS account for user
- No storage
- No sockets
- No HD wallet
- No monolith
- Simple
git clone
npm install
npm run test
npm run start
btc microservice
check signature
✓ should accept valid signature (111ms)
✓ should reject invalid signature
check payment
✓ should accept correct payment
✓ should reject transaction from different sender
✓ should reject transaction with different value
✓ should reject transaction with different recipient
✓ should reject user who made payment and already registered account
check account
✓ should accept account that corresponds to public key
✓ should reject account that does not correspond to public key
eos microservice
✓ should create an account
default API microservice
register EOS account for user after BTC payment
✓ should process correct request
free API microservice
register account for user
✓ should process correct request
insight microservice
✓ should return transaction details (992ms)