A simple binary classification project which predicts whether a student will get admitted to a college or not based on "gpa" and "rank". I have used the dataset "binary.csv" which is also present in this repository. Logistic Regression was used for solving this problem statement after some amount of data munging. Model was validated based on confusion matrix and accuracy score.
A simple binary classification project which predicts whether a ship passenger will survive or not. I have used the dataset "titanic.xls" which is also present in this repository. Decision Tree Classifier was used for solving this problem statement on few selected features like "pclass","sex" and "age". Model was validated based on confusion matrix and accuracy score. Accuracy score was 81.68% which might have improved if I would have taken more features and have used some ensemble algorithms.
A simple multi class classification project which predicts whether the quality of red wine. I have used the dataset "winequality-red.csv" which is also present in this repository. Random Forest Classifier was used for solving this problem statement. Model was used to predict on the test data which gave an accuracy of 71.25% and error rate of 28.75%.