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Boot Camp Pages

ahmadia edited this page May 18, 2013 · 11 revisions

The gh-pages branch of the boot-camps repo is available for making web pages for particular boot camps. We use GitHub Pages' built-in Jekyll rendering.

This wiki page covers simple Jekyll-rendered boot camp pages. You can also compile a website using another generator and easily include its output in the gh-pages branch using Git submodules. This workflow is discussed here.

About Jekyll and GitHub Pages

Jekyll is a static site generator. It simplifies the process of web page creating by allowing you to base your page on a template and write just the content without worrying about headers. You can even write your pages in Markdown so you don't have to worry about HTML at all, though if you want to work in HTML that's fine too. You can even skip the templates entirely and give Jekyll fully formed HTML files, Jekyll will just leave those alone.

GitHub Pages are a way for us to publish web pages via GitHub. On any repository you can push content to a branch called gh-pages and GitHub will run that content through Jekyll and publish it on the web at a URL like

Markup Languages

Any .md, .markdown, or .html file with a YAML block at the top (described below) is converted by Jekyll into standard HTML. Jekyll uses Maruku to process the Markdown so you can use any syntax supported by Maruku.

Boot Camp Pages Templates

We've set up the gh-pages branch of the boot-camps repo with a Jekyll framework and two initial templates:

Both templates include full access to Bootstrap CSS and JavaScript libraries and have Disqus comments enabled.

YAML Front Matter

Jekyll will only process files (Markdown or HTML) that have a YAML block at the top. Files which do not contain YAML front matter are included in your site but never modified by Jekyll. The YAML is where you specify a template you'd like to use and other metadata for the file. The most basic YAML block you should use will look something like this:

root: ..
layout: base
title: My Page

That tells Jekyll to use the base template and sets the metadata title of your page, which the base template uses to set the title of the resulting HTML document. root gives the relative URL from your page (e.g. to the website root (, which the templates use when linking to CSS and other auxiliary files.

Note that the value for root should be determined relative to a page's URL, not the page's source path. The file path will have an extra _posts/ directory that disappears during the Jekyll compilation so that _posts/2013-01-12-chicago/index.html will become

Syntax Highlighting

When writing your pages using the provided templates you can turn on syntax highlighting of code blocks using a Jekyll extension to the Liquid template language. Simply wrap your code block like so:

{% highlight python %}
print "What's up, doc?"
{% endhighlight %}

The language specifier can be any "short name" for the available lexers in Pygments.

Instructions for Making Pages

These instructions describe a workflow that incorporates some of the best practices advocated by Software Carpentry.

0. Checkout the gh-pages branch

cd boot-camps
git checkout gh-pages

1. Checkout a new branch for your changes

Make a branch in your repo based on the gh-pages branch that will hold a set of changes

git checkout -b my-boot-camp-changes gh-pages

2. Make a directory for the boot camp

By convention and for compatibility with Jekyll your directory name will be in the form YYYY-MM-DD-venue. To figure out the directory name go to the Software Carpentry boot camps directory and find the page for your boot camp. It should have a URL something like In the file name at the end is the short designation for your boot camp, in this case 2013-01-chicago.

That's not quite the name of the directory, though. For compatibility with Jekyll the name must also include a day number. Add in the date of the first day of the boot camp so that, for example, 2013-01-chicago becomes 2013-01-12-chicago.

Finally, make a new directory with this name in the _posts directory:

cd boot-camps
mkdir _posts/YYYY-MM-DD-venue

3. Add content

Your boot camp directory should probably have at least an or index.html file, but the site design is up to you. Remember that Jekyll will only process files that contain YAML front matter, as described above.

4. Test your changes

In order to ensure that your changes render appropriately, you can process them locally with Jekyll. If you already have Jekyll installed, then this may be sufficient:

# jekyll versions < 0.12.1
jekyll --pygments --no-lsi --safe

# jekyll versions >= 0.12.1 
jekyll build

5. Push your new branch

Once you are happy that your changes are correct, push the new branch to the repo. This may depend on whether you are pushing to the main Software Carpentry repo or you are planning to use your own.

git push origin my-boot-camp-changes

6. Issue a pull request

On github, find your branch and issue a pull request from this branch to the gh-pages branch, with comments/guidance for a potential reviewer. Another user can then review your changes and merge your pull request when satisfied.

Example Pages

To save time creating pages it may be helpful to copy existing pages in the _posts directory. The directory 1900-01-01-example-page contains purely example material, and the directory 2012-10-23-caltech contains an example of a highly customized HTML page used for a 2012 boot camp.