Please refer to the supporting blog post
Clone this repo:
git clone
Install the dependencies with composer:
curl | php
php composer.phar install
Download, extract to the same directory and run Selenium2 with the ChromeDriver
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.*.jar
Now to launch Behat, just run:
You should see something like:
$ bin/behat
Feature: User can communicate with each other
Scenario: Simple 1-way chat # features/ConcurrentUsers.feature:3
Given "User1" enters the chat room # FeatureContext::entersTheChatRoom()
And "User2" enters the chat room # FeatureContext::entersTheChatRoom()
When "User1" posts a message # FeatureContext::postsAMessage()
Then "User2" should see that message # FeatureContext::shouldSeeThatMessage()
1 scenario (1 passed)
4 steps (4 passed)