Swift serverless.yml adapter. Read and Write a Serverless Framework configuration in Swift.
The Serverless framework is an All-in-one development solution for auto-scaling apps on AWS Lambda. The serverless.yml file represents the deployment configuration. This swift package allows Encoding and Decoding a serverless.yml using Yams.
Add the following packages to your swift package
dependencies: [
// ...
.package(url: "https://github.com/swift-serverless/swift-sls-adapter.git", from: "0.1.0")
import Foundation
import SwiftSlsAdapter
import Yams
let fileUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: "servreless.yml")
let serverlessYml: Data = Data(contentsOf: fileUrl)
let decoder = YAMLDecoder()
let serverlessConfig = try decoder.decode(ServerlessConfig.self, from: serverlessYml)
import Foundation
import SwiftSlsAdapter
import Yams
// Initialise ServerlessConfig
let iam = Iam(
role: Role(
statements: [
effect: "Allow",
action: [
resource: try YAMLContent(with: "*")
effect: "Allow",
action: [
resource: try YAMLContent(with: [["Fn::GetAtt": ["ProductsTable", "Arn"]]])
let environment = try YAMLContent(with: ["PRODUCTS_TABLE_NAME": "${self:custom.tableName}"])
let provider = Provider(
name: .aws,
region: .eu_west_1,
runtime: .providedAl2,
environment: environment,
lambdaHashingVersion: "20201221",
architecture: .arm64,
httpAPI: .init(payload: "2.0", cors: true),
iam: iam
let custom = try YAMLContent(with: ["tableName": "products-table-${sls:stage}"])
let layer = Layer(
path: "./build/swift-lambda-runtime",
name: "aws-swift-serverless-lambda-runtime",
description: "AWS Lambda Custom Runtime for swift-serverless"
let package = Package(
patterns: [
individually: true
let layersRef = try YAMLContent(with: [["Ref": "SwiftDashlambdaDashruntimeLambdaLayer"]])
let path = "/products"
let keyedPath = "/products/{sku}"
let createProduct = Function(
handler: "build/Products.create",
runtime: nil,
memorySize: 256,
description: "[${sls:stage}] Create Product",
package: package,
layers: layersRef,
events: [.init(httpAPI: .init(path: path, method: .post))]
let readProduct = Function(
handler: "build/Products.read",
runtime: nil,
memorySize: 256,
description: "[${sls:stage}] Get Product",
package: package,
layers: layersRef,
events: [.init(httpAPI: .init(path: keyedPath, method: .get))]
let updateProduct = Function(
handler: "build/Products.update",
runtime: nil,
memorySize: 256,
description: "[${sls:stage}] Update Product",
package: package,
layers: layersRef,
events: [.init(httpAPI: .init(path: path, method: .put))]
let deleteProduct = Function(
handler: "build/Products.delete",
runtime: nil,
memorySize: 256,
description: "[${sls:stage}] Delete Product",
package: package,
layers: layersRef,
events: [.init(httpAPI: .init(path: keyedPath, method: .delete))]
let listProducts = Function(
handler: "build/Products.list",
runtime: nil,
memorySize: 256,
description: "[${sls:stage}] List Products",
package: package,
layers: layersRef,
events: [.init(httpAPI: .init(path: path, method: .get))]
let resource = Resource.dynamoDBResource(tableName: "${self:custom.tableName}", key: "sku")
let resources = Resources.resources(with: ["ProductsTable": resource])
let serverlessConfig = ServerlessConfig(
service: "swift-serverless-rest-api",
provider: provider,
package: .init(patterns: nil, individually: true, artifact: nil),
custom: custom,
layers: ["swift-lambda-runtime": layer],
functions: [
"createProduct": createProduct,
"readProduct": readProduct,
"updateProduct": updateProduct,
"deleteProduct": deleteProduct,
"listProducts": listProducts
resources: try YAMLContent(with: resources)
let encoder = YAMLEncoder()
let content = try encoder.encode(serverlessConfig)
The package is under development.
Status of the features implemented in this package:
Feature | Support |
Root Properties | ✅ |
Parameters | ✅ |
Provider | aws |
General Settings | ✅ |
General Function Settings | ✅ |
Deployment Bucket | ❌ |
API Gateway v2 HTTP API | ✅ |
API Gateway v1 REST API | ❌ |
ALB | ❌ |
Docker image deployments in ECR | ❌ |
IAM permissions | ✅ |
VPC | ❌ |
S3 buckets | ❌ |
Package | ✅ |
Functions | ✅ |
Lambda events | ✅ |
API Gateway v2 HTTP API | ✅ |
API Gateway v1 REST API | ❌ |
API Gateway v1 REST API | ❌ |
Websocket API | ❌ |
S3 events | ❌ |
S3 Schedule | ❌ |
SNS | ❌ |
SQS | ❌ |
Streams | ❌ |
MSK | ❌ |
ActiveMQ | ❌ |
Kafka | ❌ |
Kafka | ❌ |
RabbitMQ | ❌ |
Alexa | ❌ |
IOT | ❌ |
CloudWatch | ❌ |
Cognito | ❌ |
ALB | ❌ |
EventBridge | ❌ |
CloudFront | ❌ |
Function layers | ✅ |
AWS Resources | ✅ |
Contributions are more than welcome! Follow this guide to contribute.