Julian Aoki Romero aka @swimitup 🇧🇷🇨🇦 Analyst, consultant, swimming projects and web apps developer. Present in the web since 1995, launched my main service on 1996: Swim It Up!
A swimming pool is never empty: We are always filling water in it. This is what I thought about business and technology in swimming: there's no finish lap when working with sport, it's a constant work managing excellence. Once the pool is broken or the service is unsatisfying, people do not stop swimming, they simply search other pool to be happy with. That's why I am focused on customized project development for the clients, creating strong business relationship and delivering outstanding support.
My personal website, with all portfolio and projects: --> https://julianromero.ca
Main project 🇧🇷: --> https://www.swim.com.br
Main project 🇨🇦: --> https://nataction.ca