Data and code for Hawaii version of SWITCH
Python: On recent Mac or Linux systems, a suitable version of Python should already be installed (SWITCH needs one of the 2.7 versions). On Windows, you should download the binary installer from . If installing on Windows, choose the options to install pip and "Add Python.exe to path".
Pyomo: Once Python is installed go to a terminal window ( on a Mac; Windows-R, then cmd on Windows). Then on Mac or Linux execute "sudo -H pip install pyomo". On Windows execute "pip install pyomo".
SWITCH uses Pyomo to create standard matrices defining the numerical optimization model to be solved. Then it uses standard solvers to solve these models.
CPLEX or GUROBI are high-performance solvers which are available from their developers at no cost for academic users. GLPK is an open-source solver which is free for any user.
On Linux, glpk can be installed via
sudo yum install -y glpk glpk-utils
sudo apt-get install -y glpk glpk-utils
On a Mac, the easiest way to install glpk and other unix-style software is via the Homebrew package manager. If you don't want to install Homebrew, you can replace the following steps with instructions from .
Install homebrew package manager by typing the following command in a Terminal window (more details at
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Press Return when prompted, and enter your password when prompted.
Next, you can install glpk itself by typing the following commands in a Terminal window:
brew install git
brew install homebrew/science/glpk
On Windows, glpk can be installed as follows:
- Download the Windows version of glpk from .
- Open the .zip file you downloaded and look in the W32 or W64 folder (depending whether you have a 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows).
- Copy glpsol.exe and glpk_n_nn.dll from this folder to C:\Python27\Scripts . (n_nn is the glpk version number, e.g., 4_57)
It is recommended that you install the git command line tool on your system and then follow Option 1 below. Alternatively you can install the latest version by following Option 2 below.
####Option 1
In a terminal window, use the cd command to switch to the folder where you want to install SWITCH-Hawaii. Then execute "git clone"
If you want to use a previous version of the model and data, you should checkout the version you want from the repository you have just created. Do this with a command like this:
git checkout <version>
The current options for <version>
are v2016-01-15-data
and v2016-01-28
. You can skip this command or use
git checkout master
to use the latest version of SWITCH.
Please note: versions of SWITCH-Hawaii from before 2016-02-03 are currently only compatible with Pyomo 4.1, the cplex solver and a Mac or Linux system (not Windows). Please contact Matthias Fripp at UH ( if you would like to run earlier versions of SWITCH-Hawaii in a different environment than this.
On a Mac or Linux system, execute these commands:
cd switch-hawaii-studies/models/rps
On Windows, execute these commands:
cd switch-hawaii-studies\models\rps
[then copy the "git clone ..." commands from and run them from the command line]
####Option 2
Download the repository from Copy the "switch-hawaii-studies-master" folder from this zip archive to a suitable location (e.g., My Documents) and then rename it to switch-hawaii-studies. Make a note of the name and location of the folder you have created.
Download the repository from Copy the "switch-master" folder from inside this zip archive into the "models/rps" folder within the "switch-hawaii-studies" folder that you just created. Rename "switch-master" to "switch".
Download the repository from Copy the "switch-hawaii-core-master" folder from inside this zip archive into the "models/rps" folder within the "switch-hawaii-studies" folder. Rename "switch-hawaii-core-master" to "switch-hawaii-core".
Whether you followed Option 1 or Option 2, you should now have a directory structure like this (it will have other files too, but these are most of the important ones):
In a terminal window, use the cd command to get to the switch-hawaii-studies/models/rps directory you created earlier. Then execute this command to run the model:
Inputs will be read from the inputs directory, and outputs will be written to the outputs directory.
"scenarios_to_run.txt" defines the scenarios that should be run. "completed_scenarios.txt" is a list of
scenarios that have already been run. To re-run a scenario that has already been run, you can remove it
from "completed_scenarios.txt" and run python
again. Or you can just execute
python --scenario <scenario name>
. You can also run ad hoc scenarios by specifying
python --scenario_name <new_scenario>
followed (optionally) by command line arguments
to change the scenario. You can see examples of command-line arguments in scenarios_to_run.txt
For testing purposes, it is helpful to use the "inputs_tiny" directory, via a command like this:
python --scenario_name test --inputs inputs_tiny
##SUPPORT If you need help installing or running SWITCH-Hawaii or defining new scenarios, please contact Matthias Fripp at the University of Hawaii at