This program originally appeared in the MSDN Magazine, December 2009.
I took the code there (assumed to be public domain) and polished it a bit to add command-line parameters and a few options. The bulk of the algorithm remains unchanged.
First, clone the repository.
To run this QICT code, launch a new instance of Visual Studio 2005 or 2008. Create a new Console Application C# project. Replace the VS-generated template code in file Program.cs with the Qict.cs code in this download. Copy all .txt into the root folder of your project. Build and run by hitting the F5 key.
mcs Qict.cs -out:qict
(or use make build
NB: mcs is the Mono C# compiler
qict [-c] [-h] <filename> [-i] <invalidCombinaisonsFilename>
where filename is a text file containing the text data (see the article or the sample file testData.txt included for more info) and invalidCombinaisonsFilename is the file containning invalids combinaisons to exclude during the test
the output will display something like this: (in the case below we didn't use forbdiden combinaisons)
QICT: a pairwise test case generator
(C) 2009 James McCaffrey, (C) 2014 Sylvain Hallé
- There are 4 parameters
- There are 11 parameter values
- Parameter values:
a b c d e f g h i j k
- Legal values internal representation:
* Parameter0: 0 1
* Parameter1: 2 3 4 5
* Parameter2: 6 7 8
* Parameter3: 9 10
- There are 44 pairs
Computing testsets which capture all possible pairs...
Result test sets:
0 a c g j
1 b d g k
2 a e h k
3 b f i j
4 b c h j
5 a d i j
6 a f g k
7 b e i j
8 a d h j
9 a c i k
10 a e g j
11 a f h j