Build system
- Fix building with LLVM 16 #437
Breaking changes
- Change lambdify's default for backend to llvm when available - #431
- Converting ImmutableMatrix to sympy/sage results in immutable matrices - #392
Bug Fixes
- Add workaround for symbol class leak - #403
- Fix converting atan2 to sympy - #435
- Fix conversion of large integers - #426
- Improve symengine import time - #417
- Fix build to avoid duplicate files in wheel - #402
- Raise TypeError for bool(Booleans) except true, false - #401
- Fix converting doubles - #399
New Features
- Add a lambdify func. that throws ModuleNotFoundError when numpy missing - #432
People who contributed to the release:
- Isuru Fernando
- Michał Górny
- Pieter Eendebak
- Christian Clauss
- Rikard Nordgren
- Björn Dahlgren