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rodionovd committed Aug 18, 2022
1 parent 6c09d01 commit b672111
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Showing 53 changed files with 299 additions and 249 deletions.
179 changes: 83 additions & 96 deletions Sympli.sketchplugin/Contents/Sketch/Sympli.cocoascript
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,126 +1,113 @@
var loadFramework = function(context) {
var pluginRoot = context.scriptPath.stringByDeletingLastPathComponent();
log("Plugin root:" + pluginRoot);
// Sympli.cocoascript
// Copyright © 2015-2022 Sympli. All rights reserved.

if ([pluginRoot rangeOfString:"Containers"].length != 0) {
doc.showMessage("Mac App Store version of Sketch is unsupported. Please update Sketch to the latest version from official site.");
return false;
// MARK: - User Commands

var exportArtboards = function(context) {
run(context, "export");

var exportDesignSystem = function(context) {
run(context, "exportDesignSystem");

var showTags = function(context) {
run(context, "manageTags");

var hideTags = function(context) {
run(context, "hideTags");

// MARK: -

var run = function(context, mode)
if (!validateSketchCompatibility()) {

if (NSClassFromString('Sympli') == null) {
var framework = pluginRoot.stringByAppendingPathComponent("SympliSketchPlugin.framework")
return [[NSBundle bundleWithPath:framework] load];
} else {
return true;
const document = context.document;
const selection = context.selection;
const installedPluginVersion = runningSympliPluginVersion(context);

const loaded = loadNativeCodeBundle(context);
if (!loaded) {
document.showMessage("⚠️ Sympli: Unable to start the plugin (" + (installedPluginVersion || "unknown version") + "). Please update Sympli to the latest version and try again.");

const loadedPluginVersions = Sympli.sharedInstance().version();
if (![loadedPluginVersions isEqualToString:installedPluginVersion]) {
document.showMessage("⚠️ Sympli: Please restart Sketch to finish the plugin update process.");

var removeQuarantineFlag = function(path) {
var xattr = "/usr/bin/xattr";
var args = ["-r", "-d", "", path];
var task = [NSTask launchedTaskWithLaunchPath:xattr arguments:args];
[[Sympli sharedInstance] invokeInMode:mode document:document selectedLayers:selection];

var launchSympliPlugin = function(context, mode) {
var doc = context.document;
// MARK: - Utils

var loadNativeCodeBundle = function(context)
if (NSClassFromString('Sympli')) {
return true

var removeQuarantineFlag = function(path) {
const xattr = "/usr/bin/xattr";
const args = ["-r", "-d", "", path];
const task = [NSTask launchedTaskWithLaunchPath:xattr arguments:args];

const root = context.scriptPath.stringByDeletingLastPathComponent();
const frameworkPath = root.stringByAppendingPathComponent("SympliSketchPlugin.framework")

return [[NSBundle bundleWithPath:frameworkPath] load];

// Show a warning when running on an unsupported version of Sketch
var validateSketchCompatibility = function()
var build = Number.MAX_VALUE;
var appVersion = "Unknown";

if (NSClassFromString("MSApplicationMetadata") != null) {
build = parseInt(MSApplicationMetadata.metadata().build);
appVersion = MSApplicationMetadata.metadata().appVersion;
} else if (NSClassFromString("BCSketchInfo") != null) {
if (NSClassFromString("BCSketchInfo") != null) {
// Sketch 72+
build = parseInt(BCSketchInfo.shared().metadata().build);
appVersion = BCSketchInfo.shared().metadata().appVersion;
} else if (NSClassFromString("MSApplicationMetadata") != null) {
build = parseInt(MSApplicationMetadata.metadata().build);
appVersion = MSApplicationMetadata.metadata().appVersion;

var hasntBeenActivatedYet = (NSClassFromString('Sympli') == null);
var incompatible = (build < /* Sketch 46.2 build number */44496);
const hasntBeenActivatedYet = (NSClassFromString('Sympli') == null);
const incompatible = (build < /* Sketch 46.2 build number, see SMP-12358 */44496);

if (hasntBeenActivatedYet && incompatible) {
var alert =
const alert =
alert.alertStyle = NSCriticalAlertStyle;
alert.setMessageText("Sympli requires Sketch 46.2, you are using Sketch " + appVersion);
alert.setMessageText("Sympli requires Sketch 46.2, but you have Sketch " + appVersion);
alert.setInformativeText("Sympli is incompatible with your version of Sketch. We recommend you to upgrade to a newer version if possible.");
[alert addButtonWithTitle:@"Continue Anyway"];
[alert addButtonWithTitle:@"Cancel"];
if ([alert runModal] != NSAlertFirstButtonReturn) {
return false;

try {

if ((doc.isDraft() || doc.fileURL()==nil)) {
doc.showMessage("Sympli: Please save the document, so we have all your changes.");

var selectedArtboards = context.selection;
if (![selectedArtboards count]) {
selectedArtboards = [[doc currentPage] artboards];

if (![selectedArtboards count]) {
var app = [NSApplication sharedApplication];
[app displayDialog:"Please create an artboard for export." withTitle:"Sympli"]

var selectedArtboardsSelf = [selectedArtboards valueForKeyPath:@"parentArtboard.@distinctUnionOfObjects.self"];
if(selectedArtboardsSelf) {
var notNSNullPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"self!=nil AND NOT self isKindOfClass: %@", [NSNull class]];
selectedArtboardsSelf = [selectedArtboardsSelf filteredArrayUsingPredicate:notNSNullPredicate];
var selectedArtboardsIds = [selectedArtboardsSelf valueForKeyPath:@"@distinctUnionOfObjects.objectID"];
if (![selectedArtboardsIds count]) {
doc.showMessage("Please select artboard to export.");

var loadFrameworkResult = loadFramework(context);
log("Framework loaded: " + loadFrameworkResult);

if (loadFrameworkResult) {
var filePath = doc.fileURL().path();
log("Processing file: " + filePath);
var plugin = context.plugin;
var sympli = [[Sympli alloc] init];
if (![[sympli version] isEqualToString:[plugin version]]) {
doc.showMessage("Please restart Sketch to finish plugin update.");
log("Initialized Sympli");

var artboards = [[selectedArtboards valueForKeyPath:@"parentArtboard.@distinctUnionOfObjects.self"] mutableCopy];
[artboards removeObjectIdenticalTo:[NSNull null]];

[sympli process:filePath withPath:"<this option is not used anymore and can be deleted>" andArtboards:selectedArtboardsIds document:doc artboards:artboards selection:context.selection mode:mode context: context];
log("call sympli: " + loadFrameworkResult);
} catch (err) {
doc.showMessage("Sympli: Unknown error.");

var exportDesignSystem = function(context) {
launchSympliPlugin(context, "showLoginIfNeededThenRedirectToDSExportFlow");
return true;

var manageTags = function(context) {
launchSympliPlugin(context, "manageTags");

var hideTags = function(context) {
launchSympliPlugin(context, "hideTags");
var runningSympliPluginVersion = function(context)
const plugin = context.plugin
if ((plugin) && [plugin respondsToSelector:NSSelectorFromString("version")]) {
return plugin.version();

var onRun = function(context) {
launchSympliPlugin(context, "export");
return null;
Binary file not shown.
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Expand Up @@ -14,5 +14,7 @@
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Binary file not shown.

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