The python binding for silk-v3-decoder
pip install silk-python
- encode
import pysilk
with open("verybiginput.pcm", "rb") as pcm, open("", "wb") as silk:
pysilk.encode(pcm, silk, 24000, 24000)
- decode
import pysilk
with open("", "rb") as silk, open("output.pcm", "wb") as pcm:
pysilk.decode(silk, pcm, 24000)
- 接受任何二进制的
file-like object
,可以流式解码大文件 - 包装了silk的全部C接口的参数,当然他们都有合理的默认值
- 基于
, 关键部位 内联C函数,高性能
from typing import BinaryIO
def encode(input: BinaryIO, output: BinaryIO, sample_rate: int, bit_rate: int, max_internal_sample_rate: int = 24000, packet_loss_percentage: int = 0, complexity: int = 2, use_inband_fec: bool = False, use_dtx: bool = False, tencent: bool = True) -> None: ...
def decode(input: BinaryIO, output: BinaryIO, sample_rate: int, frame_size: int = 0, frames_per_packet: int = 1, more_internal_decoder_frames: bool = False, in_band_fec_offset: int = 0, loss: bool = False) -> None: ...
class SilkError(Exception):
合并了CFFI 的工作
python -m pip install setuptools wheel cython cffi
git clone
cd pysilk
git submodule update --init --recursive
python bdist_wheel --use-cython --use-cffi