Exporter for AWS SES quotas. awsses_exporter
will poll all AWS SES regions and report back the max send rate, max send per 24 hours, and current send in last 24 hours. The AWS SES API endpoint GetSendQuota
is called once per region per call to the /metrics
$ awsses_exporter --help
usage: collector [<flags>]
-h, --help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
Address to listen on for web interface and telemetry.
Path under which to expose metrics.
List of AWS regions to export the metrics for.
To pass in multiple regions, repeat the flag like so: --aws.regions="us-east-1" --aws.regions="eu-central-1"
--log.level="info" Only log messages with the given severity or above. Valid levels: [debug, info, warn, error, fatal]
Set the log target and format. Example: "logger:syslog?appname=bob&local=7" or "logger:stdout?json=true"
--version Show application version.
AWS credentials are pulled via the rules in https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/aws/#Config. Most notably you can use the environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY
If using config file, credentials file or web identity token file, make sure to set AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG=1
This easiest way to build and run this utility is with the included docker image: docker build .
You can also install it locally with:
go get github.com/sysadmind/awsses_exporter
go install github.com/sysadmind/awsses_exporter
Below is an example of the output of the /metrics
# HELP awsses_exporter_max24hoursend The maximum number of emails allowed to be sent in a rolling 24 hours.
# TYPE awsses_exporter_max24hoursend gauge
awsses_exporter_max24hoursend{aws_region="eu-west-1"} 50000
awsses_exporter_max24hoursend{aws_region="us-east-1"} 50000
awsses_exporter_max24hoursend{aws_region="us-west-2"} 50000
# HELP awsses_exporter_maxsendrate The maximum rate of emails allowed to be sent per second.
# TYPE awsses_exporter_maxsendrate gauge
awsses_exporter_maxsendrate{aws_region="eu-west-1"} 14
awsses_exporter_maxsendrate{aws_region="us-east-1"} 14
awsses_exporter_maxsendrate{aws_region="us-west-2"} 14
# HELP awsses_exporter_sentlast24hours The number of emails sent in the last 24 hours.
# TYPE awsses_exporter_sentlast24hours gauge
awsses_exporter_sentlast24hours{aws_region="eu-west-1"} 101
awsses_exporter_sentlast24hours{aws_region="us-east-1"} 505
awsses_exporter_sentlast24hours{aws_region="us-west-2"} 888