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ICamel — Jupyter kernel for Apache Camel

This kernel enables you to run Apache Camel routes in Jupyter notebooks.

ICamel notebook

Table of Contents


Supported Camel route languages

All route languages supported by Camel K except Kotlin are supported by ICamel. See the following links to learn how to write a Camel route with each language.

The opinionated default language for ICamel is JavaScript. To use other languages than JavaScript or XML, prepend a comment line // language=... at the beginning of each cell.

  • Groovy

    // language=groovy
        .process { = 'Hello Camel K!' }
  • Java

    // language=java
    import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
    public class Sample extends RouteBuilder {
        public void configure() throws Exception {
                  .constant("Hello Camel K!")
  • YAML

    - from:
      uri: "timer:tick"
        - set-body:
            constant: "Hello Camel K!"
        - to: "log:info"

Supported Camel components

At this moment, only components that are included in camel-core are supported. Automatic downloading of Camel component dependencies will be implemented in a future version.


Download the latest icamel-0.x-runner.jar from

curl -LO

Then create a directory camel under the Jupyter kernels directory:

mkdir -p `jupyter --data-dir`/kernels/camel

and copy icamel-0.x-runner.jar into the directory:

cp icamel-0.x-runner.jar `jupyter --data-dir`/kernels/camel/

Finally, create a file kernel.json with the following content under the camel kernel directory. Note <your-camel-kernel-dir> needs to be substituted with the actual path (e.g. /home/<username>/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/camel):

  "argv": [
  "display_name": "Camel",
  "language": "camel",
  "interrupt_mode": "message",
  "env": {

See the example JSON file kernel.json for more configuration options.

Build from source

Run the following command:

mvn clean install