This is IPFS unofficial library written in python. I have made it simple and easier to integrate with API using this masterpiece of codes.
You can either install it from git, or using pip.
~$ git clone
~$ cd web3storagepy
~$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
~$ python3 install
~$ pip3 install web3storagepy
To upload a file to the IPFS web3 storage API we will do the following;
>>> import web3storagepy
>> > w3s = web3storagepy
>> > upload = w3s.upload(file="XXXXXX", token="XXXXXXX")
>> > upload
Using the CID you are provided with you can decide to check the status of the uploaded file with;
>> > import web3storagepy
>> > w3s = web3storagepy
>> > status = w3s.status(cid="XXXXXXXX", token="XXXXXXXXXXXX")
>> > status
{'RESPONSE': '{xxx:xxx}'}
You can retrieve all your uploaded files with;
>> > import web3storagepy
>> > w3s = web3storagepy
>> > all_files = w3s.user_uploads(token="XXXXXXXXX")
>> > all_files
You can access your uploaded file by providing only the CID as follows;
>> > import web3storagepy
>> > w3s = web3storagepy
>> > get_file = w3s.get_upload(cid="XXXXXXXXX")
>> > get_file
If you happen to find this repository useful or helpful , give it a star!
Are you facing any issue with usage of the package, just raise an issue and I will look into fixing it as soon as possible
If there is anything yould would like to add warmly welcome, Just fork it
This is not an official package, therefore I'm not responsible for any misinformation or misuse of the package of any kind !!!