if you like making projects using phalcon as i do
and when you have multiple projects with similar structure
its going to be a nightmare when make changes to the structure
you end up with editing all your projects over and over
thats why this would come in handy
download or clone then move the phalconBootstrapper directory to you root path
where the other phalcon projects are, then make the changes
- www
- Phalcon_project_1
- Phalcon_project_2
- Phalcon_project_3
- Phalcon_project_4
- phalconBootstrapper ( our handler location - can be renamed @ constant LIB_PATH (loader.php))
- PhalconBootstrapper.php
- Traits
- PhalconDirs.php
- PhalconFiles.php
- PhalconNamespaces.php
- PhalconServices.php
- PhalconClasses.php
remove all services except Phalcon\config for example:
$di->setShared('config', function () {
$config = include APP_PATH . "/config/config.php";
defined('BASE_URI') || define('BASE_URI', $config->application->baseUri);
return $config;
$loader = new \Phalcon\Loader();
* We're a registering a set of directories taken from the configuration file
// this is very important the path to our PhalconBoot
defined('LIB_PATH') || define('LIB_PATH', BASE_PATH . '/../phalconBootstrapper/');
// define and register the namespace so we start
"PhalconBoot" => LIB_PATH,
// change your app name 'MyAppName'
$PhalconBootstrapper = new PhalconBoot\PhalconBootstrapper($di,new \Phalcon\Loader,'MyAppName');
located in Traits/PhalconServices.php
* Example for an app named (SomeApp)
* service name: someservice
* class name: someClass
* @return function
private function ___someserviceOnlyForSomeApp()
return function () {
return new someClass();
this will inject someservice as a service name but only for an app called (SomeApp)
* Example for all apps except (SomeApp)
* @return function
private function ___routerNotForSomeApp()
return function () {
require APP_PATH . '/config/routes.php';
return $router;
this will inject router as a service name for all apps except an app called (SomeApp)
private function ___db()
return function () {
$config = $this->getConfig();
$class = 'Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\\' . $config->database->adapter;
return new $class([
'host' => $config->database->host,
'username' => $config->database->username,
'password' => $config->database->password,
'dbname' => $config->database->dbname,
'charset' => $config->database->charset
this would inject the service db for all apps
located in Traits/PhalconNamespaces.php Traits/PhalconClasses.php Traits/PhalconDirs.php Traits/PhalconFiles.php
* Common files registery for all apps
* @param Phalcon\Config $config
* @return array
private function commonFiles(Config $config)
return [
// don't forget to change this
LIB_PATH . 'Tools/Helpers.php'
any app would load the files in the array
* Example for an app named (SomeApp) specific file registery
* @param Phalcon\Config $config
* @return array
private function SomeAppFiles(Config $config)
return [
this would load the files in the array for only an app called SomeApp
the rest is the same and stright forward