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What is Talkable Documentation?

The set of articles describing Talkable's capabilities, publicly available at

It uses reStructuredText as its markup language, an easy-to-read, what-you-see-is-what-you-get plaintext markup syntax. All reStructuredText formatting capabilities can be found in The reST Quickref.

It is built using Sphinx, an open-source documentation generation tool that transforms plain text files into beautifully formatted documentation. For more details, see The Sphinx Documentation.

Where is it stored?

It's stored in a dedicated GitHub repository (talkable-docs).

The repository consists of the following branches:

What is the documentation update workflow?

  1. Pull changes from master.
  2. Checkout a new branch from master.
  3. Deploy the local/development environment.
  4. Make changes and test them locally.
  5. Commit the changes to the staging branch.
  6. Get the documentation tested by QA.
  7. Create a pull request to the master branch, providing the staging URL of the changed page in the pull request description.
  8. Merge the pull request once it passes the review.

How to deploy the local environment?

  1. Install Docker

    Follow the official Docker documentation.

  2. Navigate to the repository root directory.

    Ensure the docker-compose.yml file is located there.

  3. Create an .env file by copying .env.template.

    Review and update the variable values if needed.

    For a development/local environment, all default settings should work out of the box. The only value you may need to change is LOCAL_PORT if 8080 is already in use on your local machine.

  4. Run the local environment deployment.

    Run the command:

    docker compose up -d --build

    If everything is set up correctly, the documentation will be available at http://localhost:8080. Make sure you use the port number defined in the .env file.

    If the documentation does not load, check the Troubleshooting section.

How to remove the local environment

  1. Stop the containers and remove the volumes

    docker compose down -v
  2. Remove the built and downloaded images

    docker system prune -af

How to deploy changes to production and staging?

You should not deploy it manually!

The deployment is handled by Jenkins job.

All you need to do is commit your changes to the corresponding branch to deploy them to the appropriate server:

How do I make the actual changes?

Navigate to the source directory and update the files using reStructuredText syntax. Refer to The reST Quickref for syntax details.

Here are some formatting examples:


Section headings are very flexible in reST. We use the following convention in the Talkable documentation:

  • # for module headings
  • = for sections
  • - for subsections
  • . for subsubsections


Sections that may be cross-referenced across the documentation should be marked with a reference. To mark a section use .. _ref-name: before the section heading. The section can then be linked with :ref:`ref-name`. These are unique references across the entire documentation.

For example:

.. _talkable-module:

Talkable Module

This is the module documentation.

.. _talkable-section:

Talkable Section

Talkable Subsection

Talkable Subsubsection

Here is a reference to "talkable section": :ref:`talkable-section` which will have the
name "Talkable Section".



Please update the redirect rules if you change the file name, file path, or delete a file.

Redirects are implemented using the Nginx rewrite rules stored in ./nginx/redirects.conf file.

After changing that file reload nginx to get the rules applied.

docker container restart docs-nginx-development 


Avoid creating rules that manipulate anything other than paths (such as protocols and hostnames). The best approach is to modify paths only.


Can't view the documentation locally in the browser?

  1. Ensure you are using the correct port number and protocol. The port number should match the value provided in .env as LOCAL_PORT.

  2. Check logs:

    docker logs -f docs-sphinx-development
