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Radio Gyms is an open-source bundle of AI environments for radio communications.


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Radio Gyms

Radio Gyms

Radio Gyms is an open-source bundle of AI environments for radio communications. The simulations are built for AI gyms with the support of radio-related calculation modules, and theoretical radio propagation models to simulate an accurate prediction, specifically to perform reinforcement learning algorithms.


PyPi Package via pip

pip install radio_gyms

Build from source

git clone
cd radio-gyms
python -m pip install .
cd ..
rm -rf radio_gyms


  • python 3.8+
  • numpy
  • pyglet
  • pywavefront


Radio gyms provides the toolkit for building wireless communication simulations including modules can be called to build and customize the radio propagation simulation.

1. Calling Primitive Ray Tracer for Outdoor Propagation

The ray tracer can be called for computing the radio propagation paths in the following example.

from radio_gyms.engines import Tracer

SCENE_FILE_PATH = "./city.obj"
tracer = Tracer(SCENE_FILE_PATH)
# position (x, y, z)
tx_pos = [0, 15, 0]
rx_pos = [-30, 1.5, 45]
# get traced result
result = tracer.trace_outdoor(tx_pos, rx_pos)
# result
# {'direct': False, 
# 'reflections': {'single': [   array([-28.94988531,   4.22886929,  62.39469675]),
#                               array([-70.80339945,   7.04682531,  15.22840999])],
#                  'double': []},
# 'roof_edges': [array([-19.24403786,   8.5621709 ,  28.8660568 ]
# 'tx_pos': array([ 0, 15,  0]),
# 'rx_pos': array([-30. ,   1.5,  45. ]),
# )]}

2. Calculate the traced result with the theoretical outdoor model

The result from the ray tracer can be calculated by the propagation models in radio_gyms.models. In this example, TheoreticalOutdoorModel can compute the traced results to predict the signal strength and delay between the receiver and transmitter based on the theoretical radio propagation models.

from radio_gyms.models import TheoreticalOutdoorModel
result = {
    'direct': False, 
    'reflections': {'single': [ [-28.94988531, 4.22886929, 62.39469675],
                                [-70.80339945, 7.04682531, 15.22840999]],
                    'double': []},
    'roof_edges': [[-19.24403786, 8.5621709 , 28.8660568 ]],
    'tx_pos': [ 0, 15, 0],
    'rx_pos': [-30., 1.5, 45. ],
model = TheoreticalOutdoorModel(result, tx_power_dbm=20)
maximum_received_power = model.calculate_max_received_power(frequency=5.4e9) 
# -72.51 dBm
impulses = model.calculate_signal_impulses(freq=5.4e9)
# [{'strength': -85.94590320344925, 'delay': 1.8653420787826134e-07},
# {'strength': -74.3214622218488, 'delay': 2.910702009034143e-07}, 
# {'strength': -77.80902883055407, 'delay': 4.125241781539828e-07}]

3. Visualize the data with window

As we obtain the traced paths from the tracer, we can convert these paths into lines for the visualization. Window() can be called to read the lines and the scene to visualize the scene in 3D by

import numpy as np
from radio_gyms.visualizers import Window
from radio_gyms.engines.ray_tracer.tracer import Tracer
from radio_gyms.utils import OutdoorResultToLines

MAT_OBJ_PATH = "./city.obj

window = Window()
tracer = Tracer(MAT_OBJ_PATH)
tx_pos = np.array([0, 5, 0])
lines = []
while True:
    rx_pos = (np.random.rand(3)*2-1)*100
    rx_pos[1] = 1.2
    if tracer.is_outdoor(rx_pos):
result = tracer.trace_outdoor(tx_pos, rx_pos)
lines = lines + OutdoorResultToLines(result)
window.line_sets = lines

With the .run() The camera can be moved by W A S D keys and rotated by Q E. Old Town's Visualization

4. Visualize the scene and radio propagation paths during running a simulation

window.render() can be called to visualize the simulation frame as the simulation updates the components.

from radio_gyms.engines.ray_tracer.tracer import Tracer
from radio_gyms.visualizers import Window
from radio_gyms.utils.converters import outdoor_traced_result_to_line as OutdoorResultToLines
from radio_gyms.simulations import OldtownWalk

MAP_OBJ_PATH = "./city.obj"

window = Window()
tracer = Tracer(MAP_OBJ_PATH, ref_max=2) # ref_max == max reflection tracing
simulation = OldtownWalk(tracer, 1, 5)
# Run 100 episodes
for i in range(100):
    simulation.update(1) # update time in the simulation by 1 second
    results = simulation.get_results() # get result from simulation
    window.line_sets = []
    # convert the results to lines for visualizing in window
    for result in results:
        result_lines = OutdoorResultToLines(result)
        window.line_sets += result_lines
    # render the scene    

Old Town Simulation's Visualization

5. Visualize the scene and radio propagation paths on notebook

Radio gyms can be visualized on a notebook in 2D by using utils.Plotter. Plotter() requires definition of boundary of the map to visualize. The parameters such as points and lines can be passed to Plotter to visualize the data.

from radio_gyms.engines import Tracer
from radio_gyms.utils import Plotter, OutdoorResultToLines
MAP_SCENE = "./city.obj"

tracer = Tracer(MAP_SCENE)
rx = [0, 1.2, 0]
tx = [-50, 4, 40]
result = tracer.trace_outdoor(tx, rx)
terrain_map = tracer.get_terrain_depth(64, 64)
plotter = Plotter( tracer.min_bound, tracer.max_bound, terrain_map)
plotter.lines =  OutdoorResultToLines(result)

plotter.render_top() # Display from top view

Old Town Simulation's Visualization on a notebook


1. radio-gym-01 : Wireless UAV

2. radio-gym-02: UE Location Prediction

3. radio-gym-03: UE Location Prediction


Radio Gyms provides radio propagation engines and tools for customizations. The official documentation can be found at


The pre-released source code can be cited with the following bibtex entry.

  author = {Supawat Tamsri},
  title = {Radio Gyms},
  year = {2022},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  howpublished = {\url{}},



Radio gyms is the implementation from WCSim which is a part of the engineering thesis "Deep Reinforcement Learning for 5G Base Station Planning" by Supawat Tamsri.

WCSim and Radio Gyms were significantly advised and supported by Prof. Krzysztof Cichoń.


Feel free to suggest an environment idea or contribute with us.

Road Map

  • v0.1.x - Radio Ray Tracer
  • v0.2.x - Theoretical Outdoor Propagation Model
  • v0.3.x - Transmitter and Receiver Controller
  • v0.4.x - Visualization for desktop
  • v0.5.x - Visualization for notebook
  • v0.6.x - Outdoor Simulation
  • v0.7.x - Radio Gym 01: Wireless UAV Location Control
  • v0.8.x - Radio Gym 02: UE Location Prediction
  • v0.9.x - Radio Gym 03: Cooperative Small Cell Power Control
  • v0.9.5 - Beamforming Engine
  • v1.0.x - Radio Gym 04: Intelligent Beamformer
  • v1.1.x - FDTD Engine


The digital contents in /assets are available under Creative Commons (CC) license.

Source code is licensed under © Intelek AI MIT.