Data Science Study Resources, materials and useful info found in my learning journey in the field of Data Science.
Getting Started: This study guide will contain all courses related to AI and ML.
I got started following Siraj Raval's 3 Month curriculum in Machine Learning. The repository can be found here!
Additionally, I have decided to include Books, Journals, Papers, Podcasts and Study Materials as well that I have found to be helpful.
I am eventually looking forward to completing Udacity Machine Learning Nanodegree and Deep Learning courses in the upcoming months. I'll post more updates on those as I progress.
A big thanks to Siraj Raval for his ideas and inspirations.
I have decided to segragate based on sources rather than segregating based on contents. The following pages will have the useful materials and resource links. Once I complete my courses, I will include a full fledged opitimal path that will help in reaching the proficiency to take part in Kaggle competitons and implement Machine Learning Projects.
- Free courses
- Paid courses
- Books
- Videos
- Podcasts
- Journals and Papers
- Tools
- Meta-Resources