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Tansu is a drop-in replacement for Apache Kafka with PostgreSQL, S3 or memory storage engines. Without the cost of broker replicated storage for durability. Licensed under the GNU AGPL. Written in 100% safe 🦺 async 🚀 Rust 🦀


  • Kafka API compatible
  • Elastic stateless brokers: no more planning and reassigning partitions to a broker
  • Embedded JSON Schema or Protocol buffers schema registration and validation of messages
  • Consensus free without the overhead of Raft or ZooKeeper
  • All brokers are the leader and ISR of any topic partition
  • All brokers are the transaction and group coordinator
  • No network replication or duplicate data storage charges
  • Spin up a broker for the duration of a Kafka API request: no more idle brokers
  • Available with PostgreSQL, S3 or memory storage engines

For data durability:


Usage: tansu-server [OPTIONS] --kafka-cluster-id <KAFKA_CLUSTER_ID>

      --kafka-cluster-id <KAFKA_CLUSTER_ID>

      --kafka-listener-url <KAFKA_LISTENER_URL>
          [default: tcp://]
      --kafka-advertised-listener-url <KAFKA_ADVERTISED_LISTENER_URL>
          [default: tcp://localhost:9092]
      --storage-engine <STORAGE_ENGINE>
          [default: postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost]
      --schema-registry <SCHEMA_REGISTRY>

  -h, --help
          Print help
  -V, --version
          Print version

The only mandatory parameter is kafka-cluster-id which identifies the cluster. All brokers in the same cluster should use the same cluster id. In Tansu, all brokers in the same cluster are equal.

The kafka-listener-url defines the IPv4 address that Tansu will listen for connections. The default is tcp:// causing Tansu to listen on port 9092 on all available interfaces. For a non-public server you might want to use tcp://localhost:9092 instead.

The kafka-advertised-listener-url defines the IPv4 address used in broker metadata advertisements used by Kafka API clients. This must be an address that is reachable by clients. This might be your load balancer, gateway or DNS name of the server running Tansu.

The schema-registry is an optional URL defining the location of a schema registry. At present, tansu supports the s3 URL scheme, e.g., s3://schema or file based registries, e.g., file://./etc/schema. When this option is present, Tansu will validate any message produced to a topic that has an associated schema. Assuming the topic is called person any message produced will be validated against person.proto (protobuf) or person.json (JSON schema). If there is no schema associated with the topic, then this option has no effect. More details are here.

The storage-engine parameter is a URL defining the storage being used by Tansu, some examples:

  • s3://tansu/
  • postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost
  • memory://tansu/


The following will configure a S3 storage engine using the "tansu" bucket (full context is in compose.yaml and example.env):

Copy example.env into .env so that you have a local working copy:

cp example.env .env

Edit .env so that STORAGE_ENGINE is defined as:


First time startup, you'll need to create a bucket, an access key and a secret in minio.

Just bring minio up, without tansu:

docker compose up -d minio

Create a minio local alias representing http://localhost:9000 with the default credentials of minioadmin:

docker compose exec minio \
   /usr/bin/mc \
   alias \
   set \
   local \
   http://localhost:9000 \
   minioadmin \

Create a tansu bucket in minio using the local alias:

docker compose exec minio \
   /usr/bin/mc mb local/tansu

Once this is done, you can start tansu with:

docker compose up -d tansu

Using the regular Apache Kafka CLI you can create topics, produce and consume messages with Tansu:

kafka-topics \
  --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
  --partitions=3 \
  --replication-factor=1 \
  --create --topic test

Describe the test topic:

kafka-topics \
  --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
  --describe \
  --topic test

Note that node 111 is the leader and ISR for each topic partition. This node represents the broker handling your request. All brokers are node 111.


echo "hello world" | kafka-console-producer \
    --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
    --topic test

Group consumer using test-consumer-group:

kafka-console-consumer \
  --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
  --group test-consumer-group \
  --topic test \
  --from-beginning \
  --property print.timestamp=true \
  --property print.key=true \
  --property print.offset=true \
  --property print.partition=true \
  --property print.headers=true \
  --property print.value=true

Describe the consumer test-consumer-group group:

kafka-consumer-groups \
  --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
  --group test-consumer-group \


To switch between the minio and PostgreSQL examples, firstly shutdown Tansu:

docker compose down tansu

Switch to the PostgreSQL storage engine by updating .env:

# minio storage engine
# STORAGE_ENGINE="s3://tansu/"

# PostgreSQL storage engine -- NB: @db and NOT @localhost :)

Start PostgreSQL:

docker compose up -d db

Bring Tansu back up:

docker compose up -d tansu

Using the regular Apache Kafka CLI you can create topics, produce and consume messages with Tansu:

kafka-topics \
  --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
  --partitions=3 \
  --replication-factor=1 \
  --create --topic test


echo "hello world" | kafka-console-producer \
    --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
    --topic test


kafka-console-consumer \
  --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
  --group test-consumer-group \
  --topic test \
  --from-beginning \
  --property print.timestamp=true \
  --property print.key=true \
  --property print.offset=true \
  --property print.partition=true \
  --property print.headers=true \
  --property print.value=true

Or using librdkafka to produce:

echo "Lorem ipsum dolor..." | \
  ./examples/rdkafka_example -P \
  -t test -p 1 \
  -b localhost:9092 \
  -z gzip


./examples/rdkafka_example \
  -C \
  -t test -p 1 \
  -b localhost:9092


Please raise an issue if you encounter a problem.


Tansu is licensed under the GNU AGPL.