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The frame of Finite Element Method

  • Model problem:

$$ -\nabla\cdot(p~\nabla u)+\mathbf{q}\cdot\nabla u+ru=f,~u\in \Omega, $$

and its Dirichlet boundary condition: $u=0,~u\in\partial \Omega$.

  • Variational form: Find $u\in H_0^1(\Omega)={\omega\in H^1(\Omega),\omega|_{\partial \Omega}=0}$, s.t.

$$ a(u,v)=f(v),\quad \forall v\in H_0^1(\Omega), $$

where $a(u,v)=(p\nabla u,\nabla v)+(\mathbf{q}\cdot\nabla u,v)+(ru,v),\quad f(v)=(f,v).$

  • And we use Galerkin method to discrete the infinite dimensional functional space.


Main frame

Here, we mainly focus on the standard model problem, just like $\Omega =[0,1]^n$, and $n$ is the dimension.

The programming of the FEM follows:

PDE information input

we will input the interval of PDE model, degree of basis function and number of division in each axis.

  • take the two dimension as an example:
pde.left = 0;
pde.right = 1;
pde.bottom = 0; = 1;

deg = 1;% degree of basis function

N1 = 2;% number of division on X-axis
N2 = 2;% number of division on Y-axis

Mesh matrix generation

Here we use $P,T,P_b,T_b$ four matrix to record mesh information.

And $P-n\times nofnode$: record the coordinates of each node in real mesh.

$T-nofeletype\times nofelement$: record the node number of each element in real mesh.

$P_b-n\times nofelmnode$: record the coordinates of each node in FEM mesh.

$T_b-nofeletype\times nofemelement$: record the node number of each element in FEM mesh.

  • take the two dimension and one degree of basis function as an example:

    • triangle mesh: ==$h$ is the radius of circumcircle==


      And its $P$ and $T$ matrix:P_triangle


    • rectangle mesh:


      And its $P$ and $T$ matrix:


here $P_b=P,~T_b=T$.

==Attention: $P_b$ and $T_b$ is different from $P$ and $T$ when $deg\neq 1$.==

  • 3D cubic mesh:


Stiffness matrix

In this part, we mainly focus on the different part of stiffness matrix and we use local mass matrix to assemble the all stiffness matrix by element loop.

%% Generate the stiffness matrix
A = StiffnessMatrix(P,Pb,T,Tb,'p',deg,1,0,1,0)+...

Load vector

Assemble the load vector is easier compared to the stiffness matrix.

%% Generate the load vector
b = LoadVector(P,Pb,T,Tb,deg,0,0);

Boundary condition

Here, we use ==Boundary Matrix($3\times nofboundarynode$)== to record the node information on the boundary.

  • for each column:
    • BoundaryMatrix(1,i) -- boundary type(-1: Dirichlet, 0: Neumann, 1: Robin);
    • BoundaryMatrix(2,i) -- current boundary node number;
    • BoundaryMatrix(3,i) -- boundary value.(==attention==)

And indeed, here is the standard model problem, and we can easily get the boundary node by for loop.

Dirichlet Boundary condition

  • make the BoundaryMatrix(3,i) to be equal to zero and treat linear systems.

Neumann Boundary condition

  • calculate the right handside value and put it on BoundaryMatrix(3,i).

Robin Boundary condition

  • treat the corresponding stiffness matrix and RHS(RightHandSide) load vector at the same time.

Solve the linear system

we need to pay attention to the characteristic of stiffness matrix and choose appropriate numerical method to do solution.

here the stiffness matrix is always tridiagonal matrix and sparse.

  • A/b bigstable

Error estimate

$L^2$-norm error

$$ \left|u-u_{h}\right|{0}=\sqrt{\int\Omega(u-u_h)^2\mathrm{d}x\mathrm{d}y}=\sqrt{\sum_{n=1}^{N} \int_{E_{n}}\left(u-\sum_{k=1}^{N_{l b}} u_{T_{b}(k, n)} \psi_{n k} .\right)^{2} \mathrm{d}x\mathrm{d}y}. $$

$H^1$-semi-norm error

$$ \left|u-u_{h}\right|{1, x}=\sqrt{\int{\Omega}\left(\frac{\partial\left(u-u_{h}\right)}{\partial x}\right)^{2}\mathrm{d}x\mathrm{d}y}=\sqrt{\sum_{n=1}^{N} \int_{E_{n}}\left(\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}-\sum_{k=1}^{N_{l b}} u_{T_{b}(k, n)} \frac{\partial \psi_{n k}}{\partial x}\right)^{2} \mathrm{d} x \mathrm{d} y}. $$

And the remaining partial derivatives is the same way.

Error order

error order is the powerful verification tool.

here we always use $\log$ function to estimate the error order.

  • e.g.: we have the theoretical result: $\left|u-u_h\right|_a = error_h\leqslant Ch^p\left|u\right|_b.$

​ and we do the bisection: $error_{h/2}\leqslant C(h/2)^p \left|u\right|_b.$

​ thus we can get: $$ p = \log_2(error_h/error_{h/2}). $$

  • we need to notice that we always do many of bisection and take the average.

Preprocessing function

Basis function

Here, we main use affine transformation to generate the basis function from reference element onto real element.

One dimension

  • affine transformation: [-1,1] -> [a,b] $$ \hat{x} = f(x)=\frac{b-a}{2}x+\frac{b+a}{2},\quad x\in [-1,1]. $$

  • Basis function -- use Lagrange Interpolation to generate the basis polynomial function.

Two dimension

  • affine transformation:==pay attention to the chain rule for partial derivatives==

    • triangulation mesh:

      reference element: △[(0,0),(1,0),(0,1)] --> real element: △[$(x_1,y_1),(x_2,y_2),(x_3,y_3)$].

      • affine transformation: $\mathbf{x} = T\mathbf{\hat{x}}+R$,(from reference to real) and here

      $$ T=\left[\begin{array}{ll} x_2-x_1 & x_3-x_1 \ y_2-y_1 & y_3-y_1 \end{array}\right],\quad R=\left[\begin{array}{ll} x_1 \ y_1 \end{array}\right]. $$

      • ==chain rule for derivatives:==

        here we want to calculate the derivatives on real element: $$ \frac{\partial F(x,y)}{\partial x} = \frac{\partial F(\hat{x},\hat{y})}{\partial\hat{x}}\frac{\partial\hat{x}(x,y)}{\partial x}+\frac{\partial F(\hat{x},\hat{y})}{\partial\hat{y}}\frac{\partial\hat{y}(x,y)}{\partial x}. $$

        • hence we calculate the affine inverse transformation: $$ \mathbf{\hat{x}}=\left[\begin{array}{ll} \hat{x} \ \hat{y} \end{array}\right]\xlongequal{\Delta}T^{-1}(\mathbf{x}-R)=\frac{1}{|T|}\left[\begin{array}{ll} y_3-y_1 & x_1-x_3 \ y_1-y_2 & x_2-x_1 \end{array}\right]\left[\begin{array}{ll} x-x_1 \ y-y_1 \end{array}\right]. $$ so we note: $\hat{x}\xlongequal{\Delta}T_1(x,y),~\hat{y}\xlongequal{\Delta}T_2(x,y)$.

        • Thus:

          • $$ \frac{\partial F(x,y)}{\partial x} = \frac{\partial F(\hat{x},\hat{y})}{\partial\hat{x}}\frac{\partial T_1(x,y)}{\partial x}+\frac{\partial F(\hat{x},\hat{y})}{\partial\hat{y}}\frac{\partial T_2(x,y)}{\partial x}. $$

          • $$ \frac{\partial F(x,y)}{\partial y} = \frac{\partial F(\hat{x},\hat{y})}{\partial\hat{x}}\frac{\partial T_1(x,y)}{\partial y}+\frac{\partial F(\hat{x},\hat{y})}{\partial\hat{y}}\frac{\partial T_2(x,y)}{\partial y}. $$

  • Basis function: ==here the index order of basis function should be corresponding with the order in $T$ matrix.==

    • triangle reference element △[(0,0),(1,0),(0,1)]
      • node (0,0): $\phi_1(x,y)=1-x-y$ ;
      • node (1,0): $\phi_2(x,y)=x$ ;
      • node (0,1): $\phi_3(x,y)=y$ .
    • rectangle reference element □[(0,0),(1,0),(1,1),(0,1)]
      • node (0,0): $\phi_1(x,y)=(1-x)(1-y)$ ;
      • node (1,0): $\phi_2(x,y)=x(1-y)$ ;
      • node (1,1): $\phi_3(x,y)=xy$ ;
      • node (0,1): $\phi_4(x,y)=(1-x)y$ .

Numerical integral

Here, we mainly use Gauss integral to calculate the integral. ==pay attention to the affine transformation==

Numerical result

2D Rectangle

  • Model problem: $$ \begin{aligned} -\nabla \cdot(\nabla u)&=f, \quad\text { in } (0,1)^2 \ u&=0, \quad \text { on } \partial (0,1)^2 . \end{aligned} $$

  • True solution: $u(x,y)=\sin(\pi x)\sin(\pi y)$ and $f=2\pi^2 \sin(\pi x)\sin(\pi y)$.

  • NURBS information:

nurbs_info.knotU = [0,0,1,1]; % row vector 1*m
nurbs_info.knotV = [0,0,1,1];
nurbs_info.pu = 1;
nurbs_info.pv = 1;
nurbs_info.ContrPoints = [0,0;1,0;0,1;1,1]; % control points n*dim
nurbs_info.weights = [1,1,1,1]'; %column vector n*1
  • Mesh: Three h-refinement


  • error estimate:

    • Octave
    n(h-refinement) 1 2 3 4 5 6
    $L^2$-norm 2.60e-2 2.03e-3 2.18e-4 2.61e-5 3.23e-6 4.03e-7
    convergence order 3.6769 3.2211 3.0611 3.0157 3.0040
    $H^1$-seminorm 2.79e-1 5.53e-2 1.30e-2 3.21e-3 7.99e-4 2.00e-4
    convergence order 2.3364 2.0858 2.0215 2.0054 2.0013
  • Model problem:

$$ \begin{aligned} -\nabla \cdot(p\nabla u)+\mathbf{q}\cdot\nabla u+ru&=f, \quad\text { in } (0,1)^2 \\ u&=0, \quad \text { on } \partial (0,1)^2 . \end{aligned} $$

2D Circle

  • Model problem: $$ \begin{aligned} -\nabla \cdot(\nabla u)&=f, \quad\text { in } x^2+y^2\leqslant 1 \ u&=0, \quad \text { on } x^2+y^2=1 . \end{aligned} $$

  • True solution: $u(x,y)=\sin(\frac14-x^2-y^2)$ and $f=4\cos(\frac14-x^2-y^2)+4(x^2+y^2)\sin(\frac14-x^2-y^2)$.

  • NURBS information:

nurbs_info.knotU = [0,0,0,1,1,1];
nurbs_info.knotV = [0,0,0,1,1,1];
nurbs_info.pu = 2;
nurbs_info.pv = 2;
a = sqrt(2)/4;
nurbs_info.ContrPoints = [-a,a;-2*a,0;-a,-a;0,2*a;0,0;0,-2*a;a,a;2*a,0;a,-a];
nurbs_info.weights = [1,2*a,1,2*a,1,2*a,1,2*a,1]';
  • Mesh: Three times h-refinement


  • error estimate:

    • Octave(Improved IGA)
    n(h-refinement) 1 2 3 4 5 6
    $L^2$-norm 1.74e-4 2.42e-5 1.27e-6 7.90e-8 5.00e-9 3.16e-10
    convergence order 2.85 4.26 4.01 3.98 3.99
    $H^1$-seminorm 3.53e-3 6.72e-4 7.28e-5 9.13e-6 1.16e-6 1.46e-7
    convergence order 2.39 3.21 3.00 2.98 2.99
    • Octave(IGA)
    n(h-refinement) 1 2 3 4 5 6
    $L^2$-norm 8.85e-5 1.58e-5 8.29e-7 5.34e-8 3.46e-9 2.21e-10
    convergence order 2.49 4.25 3.96 3.95 3.97
    $H^1$-seminorm 1.86e-3 4.20e-4 4.73e-5 6.09e-6 7.86e-7 1.00e-7
    convergence order 2.15 3.15 2.96 2.95 2.97

3D Cubic

  • Model problem: $$ \begin{aligned} -\nabla \cdot(\nabla u)&=f, \quad\text { in } (-1,1)^3 \ u&=0, \quad \text { on } \partial (-1,1)^3 . \end{aligned} $$

  • True solution: $u(x,y,z)=\sin(\pi x)\sin(\pi y)\sin(\pi z)$ and $f=3\pi^2 \sin(\pi x)\sin(\pi y)\sin(\pi z)$ .

  • NURBS information

nurbs_info.knotU = [0,0,1,1]; % row vector 1*m
nurbs_info.knotV = [0,0,1,1];
nurbs_info.knotW = [0,0,1,1];
nurbs_info.pu = 1;
nurbs_info.pv = 1; = 1;
a = -1; b = 1;% \Omega = [a,b]^3
nurbs_info.ContrPoints = zeros(8,3); % control points n*dim
nurbs_info.ContrPoints(:,1) = repmat([a;b],4,1);% x-axis
nurbs_info.ContrPoints(:,2) = repmat([a;a;b;b],2,1);% y-axis
nurbs_info.ContrPoints(:,3) = [a;a;a;a;b;b;b;b];% z-axis
% nurbs_info.ContrPoints = zeros(2,2,2);
% nurbs_info.ContrPoints(:,:,1) = [0,0;1,1];
% nurbs_info.ContrPoints(:,:,2) = [0,1;0,1];
nurbs_info.weights = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]'; %column vector n*1
  • error estimate:

    • Matlab
    n(h-refinement) 1 2 3 4 5 6
    $L^2$-norm 9.17e-2 6.30e-2 4.96e-3 5.34e-4 6.40e-5 7.91e-6
    convergence order 0.5421 3.6653 3.2172 3.06000 3.0154
    $H^1$-seminorm 4.02e-1 7.10e-1 1.36e-1 3.19e-2 7.86e-3 1.96e-3
    convergence order -0.8199 2.3818 2.0931 2.0230 2.0057

3D Cyclinder

  • Model problem: $$ \begin{aligned} -\nabla \cdot(\nabla u)&=f, \quad\text { in } (-1,1)^3 \ u&=0, \quad \text { on } \partial (-1,1)^3 . \end{aligned} $$

  • True solution: $u(x,y,z)=\sin(x^2+y^2-1)z(1-z)$ and $$ f=4(x^2+y^2)\sin(x^2+y^2-1)z(1-z)-4\cos(x^2+y^2-1)z(1-z)+2\sin(x^2+y^2-1). $$

  • NURBS information:

nurbs_info.knotU = [0,0,0,1,1,1];
nurbs_info.knotV = [0,0,0,1,1,1];
nurbs_info.knotW = [0,0,0,1,1,1];
nurbs_info.pu = 2;
nurbs_info.pv = 2; = 2;
a = sqrt(2)/2;

nu = length(nurbs_info.knotU) - nurbs_info.pu - 1;
nv = length(nurbs_info.knotV) - nurbs_info.pv - 1;
nw = length(nurbs_info.knotW) - - 1;

X=[-a,0,a; -2*a   0   2*a;-a, 0, a];
Y=[ a,2*a,  a; 0,0, 0;-a, -2*a, -a];


for i=1:nu
    for j=1:nv

for i=1:nu
    for j=1:nv

for i=1:nu
    for j=1:nv
nurbs_info.ContrPoints = reshape(ConPts,nu*nv*nw,3);
nurbs_info.weights = reshape(weights,nu*nv*nw,1);
  • error estimate:

    • Matlab
    n(h-refinement) 1 2 3 4 5 6
    $L^2$-norm 6.47e-3 9.61e-4 9.60e-5 9.21e-6 1.02e-6 1.23e-7
    convergence order 2.7519 3.3233 3.3814 3.1702 3.0523
    $H^1$-seminorm 4.44e-2 9.12e-3 2.33e-3 5.48e-4 1.33e-4 3.31e-5
    convergence order 2.2854 1.9646 2.0914 2.0392 2.0120
    • Octave
    n(h-refinement) 1 2 3 4 5 6
    $L^2$-norm 6.99e-3 9.33e-4 9.47e-5 9.06e-6 1.00e-6 1.21e-7
    convergence order 2.0961 3.3001 3.3861 3.1755 3.0544
    $H^1$-seminorm 4.71e-2 8.58e-3 2.24e-3 5.22e-4 1.27e-4 3.14e-5
    convergence order 2.4549 1.9396 2.0995 2.0436 2.0134
  • Future improvement:

    • non-homogeneous boundary conditions;
    • $ru$ and $\mathbf{q}\cdot\nabla u$ in the model equation;
    • complex domain
  • Analysis:

    • BSplines/NURBS is not interpolated at the interior knots.
    • not easy to deal with the non-homogeneous boundary conditions.(u=g on the $\partial\Omega$)


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