To run the notebooks in this repository use one of these methods:
Import sample notebooks into Azure Notebooks if they are not already there.
Create a workspace and its configuration file (config.json) using these instructions.
in the Azure Notebook toolbar to add your config.json file to the imported folder. -
Open the notebook.
Make sure the Azure Notebook kernal is set to
Python 3.6
when you open a notebook.
- Use these instructions to:
- Create a workspace and its configuration file (config.json).
- Configure your notebook server.
- Clone this repository.
- Add your config.json file to the cloned folder
- You may need to install other packages for specific notebooks
- Start your notebook server.
- Open the notebook you want to run.
Note: Looking for automated machine learning samples? For your convenience, you can use an installation script instead of the steps below for the automated ML notebooks. Go to the automl folder README and follow the instructions. The script installs all packages needed for notebooks in that folder.
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