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Uri Templates

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.NET implementation of the URI Template Spec RFC6570.

Library implements Level 4 compliance and is tested against test cases from UriTemplate test suite.

Here are some basic usage examples:

Replacing a path segment parameter,

public void UpdatePathParameter()
    var url = new UriTemplate("{tenant}/customers")
        .AddParameter("tenant", "acmé")

    Assert.Equal("", url);

Setting query string parameters,

public void ShouldResolveUriTemplateWithNonStringParameter()
    var url = new UriTemplate("{?lat,lng}")
        .AddParameters(new { lat = 31.464, lng = 74.386 })

    Assert.Equal("", url);

Resolving a URI when parameters are not set will simply remove the parameters,

public void SomeParametersFromAnObject()
    var url = new UriTemplate("{/environment}{/version}/customers{?active,country}")
            version = "v2",
            active = "true"

    Assert.Equal("", url);

You can even pass lists as parameters

public void ApplyParametersObjectWithAListofInts()
    var url = new UriTemplate("{?ids,order}")
            order = "up",
            ids = new[] {21, 75, 21}

    Assert.Equal(",75,21&order=up", url);

And dictionaries,

public void ApplyDictionaryToQueryParameters()
    var url = new UriTemplate("{?coords*}")
        .AddParameter("coords", new Dictionary<string, string>
            {"x", "1"},
            {"y", "2"},

    Assert.Equal("", url);

We also handle all the complex URI encoding rules automatically.

public void TestExtremeEncoding()
    var url = new UriTemplate("{?query}")
            .AddParameter("query", "PREFIX dc: <> SELECT ?book ?who WHERE { ?book dc:creator ?who }")
    Assert.Equal("", url);

There is a blogpost that discusses these examples and more in detail.

As well as having a set of regular usage tests, this library also executes tests based on a standard test suite. This test suite is pulled in as a Git Submodule, therefore when cloning this repo, you will need use the --recursive switch,

    git clone --recursive

Current this library does not pass all of the failure tests. I.e. If you pass an invalid URI Template, you may not get an exception.