Note: This is a work in progress. Right now, this includes a React Native-compatible version of the stylesheet generated by Tailwind's default configuration. In the future, the plan is to implement Tailwind correctly and add a script that strips out any CSS rules that are not compatible with React Native and converts the remaining rules into a StyleSheet.
- Display
- Position
- Color
- Font Family
- Font Style
- Font Weight
- Letter Spacing
- Line Height
- Text Alignment
- Background Color
- Border Color
- Border Style
- Border Width
- Border Radius
- Flex Direction
- Flex Wrapping
- Align Items
- Align Content
- Align Self
- Justify Content
- Flex
- Margin
- Padding
- Width
- Min-Width
- Max-Width
- Height
- Min-Height
- Max-Height
- Opacity