Declaratively build and send client requests for REST APIs in Swift.
Relax provides a way to declaratively define and organize client HTTP requests for REST APIs. The framework is lightweight built on protocols, easily allowing you to structure your requests for even the most complex REST APIs.
- Lightweight: built on protocols, works directly on URLSession for low overhead
- Declarative syntax: using result builders, allows for quickly and easily organizing requests to match any structure of REST API.
- Modern: Supports Swift concurrency
) and Combine (on Apple platforms).
Available for all Swift (5.7+) platforms, including:
Platform | Minimum Version |
macOS | 12.0 |
iOS | 14.0 |
watchOS | 7.0 |
tvOS | 14.0 |
Linux | Swift 5.7* |
Windows | Swift 5.7* |
*Works on any version where Swift 5.7 is supported.
Relax supports the Swift Package Manager. To integrate in your project-
Add the following to the package dependencies in the Package.swift manifest file:
dependencies: [ .package(url: "", from: "2.0.0") ]
Add Relax to the target dependencies:
targets: [ .target( name: "YourProject", dependencies: ["Relax"]) ]
In your project, choose File > Add Package Dependencies...
Select the desired criteria, and click Add Package
In the Package Product selection dialog, select your target in the Add to Target column for the Package Product Relax. Leave URLMock set to None, unless you have a test target.
Click on Add Package
is an additional framework provided to aid in testing by mocking responses to requests, and should be added to your test targets only. For more information, see Testing below.
In files where you will be using Relax, import the framework:
import Relax
You can make very simple requests:
do {
let request = Request(.get, url: URL(string: "")!)
try await request.send()
} catch {
Or, more complex requests with multiple properties:
let request = Request(.post, url: URL(string: "")!) {
Body {
// Send an Encodable user object as JSON in the request body
User(name: "firstname")
Headers {
Header.authorization(.basic, value: "secret-123")
See Defining Requests for more details.
You can organize groups of requests into structures of Service
s and Endpoint
s, inheriting a common base URL and
enum UserService: Service {
static let baseURL = URL(string: "")!
// Define shared properties for any request/endpoint children
static var sharedProperties: Request.Properties {
Headers {
Header.authorization(.basic, value: "secretpassword")
// define a /users endpoint
enum Users: Endpoint {
// /users appended to base URL:
static let path = "users"
// connect Users to UserService
typealias Parent = UserService
// GET request
static var getAll = Request(.get, parent: UserService.self)
// make a get request to
let users = try await UserService.Users.getAll.send()
See Defining an API Structure for more details.
URLMock is a framework for mocking responses to
requests, and is included in the Relax package as a second library target.
This allows you to test all Request
s by using a URLSession
that returns mock content only, never making a real
request over the network. Convenience methods are provided for common responses such as HTTP status codes, JSON, and
To use, simply add URLMock
as a dependency in your Package.swift
file or in Xcode to your test target(s):
name: "MyAppTests",
dependencies: ["Relax", "URLMock"]),
Note: The
framework is intended for testing use only. It is highly encouraged to include it as a dependency in your test targets only.
Next, in your tests, include the URLMock
framework along with Relax
and the target being tested:
import XCTest
import Relax
import URLMock
@testable import MyApp
Finally, create a URLSession
providing a mocked response, and use it with a Request
// Create a session which returns a URLError
let session = URLMock.session(.mock(.notConnectedToInternet))
// Make a request using the modified session. An error should be thrown
do {
try await MyAPIService.Endpoint.get.send(session: session)
XCTAssertFail("Should have failed")
} catch {
// Validate error is handled correctly
For further examples, see the full documentation.